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08.12.2022 11.55.31
How to get more traffic on your Website? | Best SEO Services Noida

The internet is a great place to find new customers, but it can also be a very expensive place to advertise. To make sure you're getting the most out of your investment, you need to know how to get more traffic.


Organic Traffic

Organic traffic refers to the number of visitors who come to your site through links from other sites. When you have a blog and link other sites, you'll get free traffic from Google and other search engines. However, this isn't always enough to keep your site growing. It's important to get more organic traffic by getting backlinks from other sites that specialize in your niche and topics related to yours.


Paid Traffic

Paid traffic refers to paid advertisements that appear on search engine results pages (SERPs). These are usually ads for products or services that are relevant to the keywords searched by prospective customers looking for what they want on the Internet. Paid advertising works best when you have an established brand name with a high perceived value among potential customers. You can get paid advertising through Google AdWords or Bing Ads directly or through services such as Facebook and Twitter campaigns that allow users to access targeted ads based.

02.09.2022 14.51.54
There are a lot of unique features on Instagram

Having been acquired by Facebook in 2012, the platform now rules the market like a king. It is a very familiar face among all today, hardly anyone is unaware of it. Insta is used by all the celebrities, leaders, musicians, and big names.


Businesses use it today to advertise their products and services, which makes it easier for small and large businesses.


As a result, this platform adds several values to its users. In a nutshell, it is a free app for sharing photos and videos. It is compatible with iPhones and Android phones.


Features of Instagram


In comparison to other social media platforms, Instagram has several unique features…


  1. This app allows you to share photos and videos for free

  2. Friends and followers can view and  comment on your photos and videos 

  3. The app also allows you to share photos and videos with selective friends.

  4. Images can be liked and commented on.

Final words


Among the most widely used social media platforms worldwide, Instagram is highly admired for its beautiful features, such as the ability to upload photos and videos.


There is no doubt that the platform is highly regarded among other social media platforms due to its beautiful features.

It has now become a part of our everyday lives, and Instagramming has become a common term.

09.11.2021 17.29.45
How does UX matter in SEO?


When you think from Google's perspective, you will understand that just like any other business, they want their "users" to use their services as much as possible. Therefore, Google wants you to make your site user-friendly, which will provide a great end-to-end user experience.

If a user visits your website but leaves quickly, Google would mark your website as "irrelevant." This in turn would make your website lose ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). Therefore, SEO packages focus on making your website user-friendly by taking care of the following aspects of your website:

  • A website should have good navigation.

  • A website's page should load as quickly as possible.

  • A website should look pretty with good fonts, colors, and themes.

  • A website should be interactive.

  • A website's visitors should find content that they enjoy.

There is a HUGE amount of content available on the internet on the same topic. But WHY should a visitor come to your site? Is it because you have a good-looking site, great SEO snippets, and lots of keywords? Or, is it because the visitor is able to get an answer to their question and buy a product that they were looking to purchase? There are few trusted SEO service providers who do this job for your website, they offer various SEO pricing plans to take care of all needs of your website. 

11.09.2021 18.43.23
SEO Services - SEO Plans | Rozefsmarketing.com

Learn More About These Types of SEO

1. Technical SEO: Analysis of Website’s technical factors that impact its rankings.

  • Code Efficiency

  • Mobile Response


  • Website Speed

2. On-Page SEO: The optimization of visible page elements that effect rankings.

  • Page Title & Meta Description

  • Headings (Headers)

  • On Page Content

3. Off-Page SEO: Implementation of optimization elements not related to the page itself.

  • Social Media

  • Backlinks

4. Organic SEO: Improving rankings for the main “organic” area within search engines.

Important to businesses with a national & international focus.

5. Local SEO: Improving rankings for the “local-pack” area within search engines.

Important to businesses relying on local/regional customers.

6. Voice SEO: Improving rankings for voice search.

Voice search optimization is the newest form of search engine optimization pricing. Voice search is projected to be greater than 50% of all searches by 2020.

7. Reputation Management

Online Reviews

8. Search Engine Marketing

Online Visibility

22.07.2021 12.47.07
Trust the Leading SEO Agency Delhi for your SEO Needs

Are you a new business or an existing small or medium business? Do you need an SEO Company in Delhi NCR that can help you achieve high rankings in search results? Or are you just looking to get your brand on Google? Don't worry, we are here to help you. ClicksBazaar is the best SEO Company in Delhi NCR to help you out with affordable SEO services.

Our SEO packages are adapted for all types of businesses Whether you are a small business, a startup, an e-commerce site owner, or a business, we have affordable SEO packages for all types of businesses. We provide SEO services specifically designed to help you outperform your search engines competitors such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Duckduckgo.

At Clicksbazaar, we are interested in the faithful and thoughtful implementation of these SMO services. Our team of experts has rigorous training, experience, and years of hands-on experience developing high-performance social media campaigns for many business sectors. We have offices in the heart of New York, Dallas, and India.

Read More About: - seo company in south Delhi