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 9 ноября 2021, 17:29
How does UX matter in SEO?


When you think from Google's perspective, you will understand that just like any other business, they want their "users" to use their services as much as possible. Therefore, Google wants you to make your site user-friendly, which will provide a great end-to-end user experience.

If a user visits your website but leaves quickly, Google would mark your website as "irrelevant." This in turn would make your website lose ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). Therefore, SEO packages focus on making your website user-friendly by taking care of the following aspects of your website:

  • A website should have good navigation.

  • A website's page should load as quickly as possible.

  • A website should look pretty with good fonts, colors, and themes.

  • A website should be interactive.

  • A website's visitors should find content that they enjoy.

There is a HUGE amount of content available on the internet on the same topic. But WHY should a visitor come to your site? Is it because you have a good-looking site, great SEO snippets, and lots of keywords? Or, is it because the visitor is able to get an answer to their question and buy a product that they were looking to purchase? There are few trusted SEO service providers who do this job for your website, they offer various SEO pricing plans to take care of all needs of your website. 

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