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 30 ноября 2022, 09:28
Female Viagra – How is it Difference From Blue Pill?

Blue Pill Vs Pink Pill

For men and ladies, mating and intimacy have different meanings. They need different choices and preferences. Lately, a drug referred to as “female Viagra” has hit the market.

This drug may be a treatment for female sexual dysfunction. However, many of us confuse the drug with a female version of Viagra. Viagra may be a popular drug used as a treatment for male sexual dysfunction.

But, consistent with the experts, Viagra and feminine Viagra are completely different. And therefore the name, “female Viagra” doesn’t suit the drugs because it creates much confusion.

So, the name given to the medication for FSD and FSAD is simply for the marketing purpose and doesn’t have any scientific background

The first drug, which addressed female sexual dysfunction, was female Viagra. FDA has approved this drug as a treatment for low concupiscence in women. This drug also can treat hypoactive concupiscence disorder (HSDD), FSAD, and FSD in women.

Approximately, all in ten women suffer from HSDD at some stage in their life. HSDD has often developed thanks to many reasons like low-self esteem, stress, psychological reasons, anxiety, mental disorders, relationship troubles, and lots of other reasons.

The actual mode of labor for female Viagra isn’t much clear. However, tests and research have shown that female Viagra affects the brain's neurotransmitters. It balances out the imbalance that was liable for low libido in the first place.

As per the FDA, the minimal dosage of 100mg per day before sleeping can show good results for ladies affected by HSDD. If this treatment doesn’t work or show results within 8 weeks, then it’s advisable to discontinue the medication.

It is a prescription-only drug so; you’ll buy the drugs only a specialist prescribes them to you.

As per the test conducted by the FDA, 2400 women affected by symptoms of HSDD were placed on female Viagra. These women ingested a light dosage of 100mg for about 24 weeks.

Tests show that a lot of women experienced improvements in their drive. Moreover, these women also noticed an improvement in overall stress levels, and mood swings were on top of things.

The common side effects of female Viagra are sleepiness, nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, and fatigue.

How are the pink and blue pills different?

Female Viagra helps in improving mood and increases libido by working on the neurotransmitters. However, male Viagra Lovegra works by improving the general blood circulation within the body.

It relaxes the muscles that carry blood into the penis and soon provides more blood supply thereto. Viagra has been in the marketplace for almost 20 years now. Until now, no such medication was available for ladies.

However, many ladies have used Viagra for recreational purposes. This drug came as a magical potion, especially for ladies who are in their postmenopausal and premenopausal stages.

The male and feminine versions of Viagra are very different. Allow us to throw some light on the difference between the 2 drugs.

It comes in a typical girly pink color and not blue.

The most evident difference between Viagra and Addyi is the color of the pills. While flibanserin is pink, viagra is blue in hue. Pink is understood to be women’s favorite color, so after consuming the drugs, women will fall crazy with this medicine also.

1. you’ll consume Lovegra everyday

Men usually take Viagra 30 – 40 minutes prior the sexual intercourse. This provides them more confidence throughout the intercourse. However, in the case of flibanserin, you’ve got to consume the drugs as per an entire course. This pill acts on the neurotransmitters of the brain therefore the results aren’t instant. You’ve got to twiddle my thumbs when consuming Lovegra (Sildenafil) pink pill. The pill comes under the category of a prescription-only drug, so you’ll take this medicine only a doctor/specialist gives to you. Moreover, you want to consume this drug only as per your doctor’s directions.

2. Flibanserin works on the neurotransmitters and not the blood circulation

When a person is sexually aroused, this drug enhances the assembly of nitrates and gas . These gases help in expanding the arteries and therefore the blood vessels, which carry blood to the penis. Whereas, flibanserin works like an anti-depressant.

It works on the neurotransmitters present within the brain. As a result, you’ll witness improvements in mood and libido.

Viagra mainly works to form up for any blockage or abnormality that hampers proper erections. It doesn’t improve drive as within the case of Flibanserin.

3. Flibanserin possesses less severe side effects than the blue pill

Medications for male erectile dysfunction like TadalafilSildenafiland Levitra have many side effects also.

The blue pill's well-known negative effects include:

  • Dizziness

  • Tingling sensation in jaw, feet, neck, arms, or chest, numbness

  • Nausea

  • Flushing

  • Headache

  • Priapism

In the case of priapism, which means erection for quite four hours, call medical assistance ASAP. It’s going to cause permanent damage to the penis.

Some more severe side effects are:

  • Vision loss

  • Change in color perception

  • Loss of hearing

  • Heart disease

  • Cholesterol

  • Eye problems

Avoid the drugs just in case of subsequent disorders:

  • angina or heart diseases

  • hypotension or hypertension

  • stroke or attack

  • Kidney or disease

  • retinitis pigmentosa

  • Peyronie’s disease

The side effects of flibanserin are:

  • Dizziness

  • Difficulty in sleeping

  • Nausea

  • Fatigue and tiredness

  • Dry mouth

  • Low vital sign

  • Loss of consciousness and fainting

The pink pill comes with the following warnings:

  • Pregnant women shouldn’t take the drug

  • Breastfeeding women should avoid consuming it

  • Do not take the drug alongside alcohol

  • Refrain from this drug just in case of kidney and liver disorder

The woman Viagra has a lower success rate than blue pills

The pink pill is new on the market. Many specialists are suggesting that the drug might not be as successful as Viagra.

The success rate of Viagra is somewhere between 48-81%, which suggests the drug is going to be effective for four out of 5 men. However, within the case of flibanserin, many other factors like mood, partner, stress level, and relationship troubles play a crucial role.

Women’s sexual mechanism is extremely complicated. Therefore, the results of the pink pill are subject to vary from person to person.

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