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 3 мая 2021, 18:14
3 Types of Content You Should Be Optimizing

The primary goal of anyone undertaking search optimization is to get their site’s content on page one of Google, or close to it as possible for specific keywords. While optimizing your free essay writer site content is definitely important, it doesn’t hurt to try and rank well for content you have created on other sites that have strong domain authority. Here we review how you can optimize your content on YouTube, Flickr and SlideShare. Each of these sites host different types of media.


YouTube is a video site owned by Google. It is also one of the most visited sites on the Web today and the most popular video sites. How can you optimize your videos on YouTube to ensure they rank high?  The most important SEO element of the video is the video title itself. This is where you want your brand name and keywords to clearly stand and fit together like on write my essay free. The video meta description is the video description that is displayed on search results. Ensure that it is keyword-enhanced within the first 160 characters. Don’t forget to add the meta keywords and ensure that the H1 tag has the meta keywords you want to rank highly on. Using keywords in the actual video file you upload also seems to help in ranking.


Flickr is an image archiving site and one of the top image networks on the web. To rank high with your Flickr photos, ensure that your images’ SEO titles contain your brand and specific keywords you are targeting. Always add a meta description of your image as well as a link back to your website using anchor text. Ensure that your images are correctly tagged to help those searching for images on the site.


This is a presentation site that allows you to upload and share your PowerPoint presentations from webinars, conferences or other events. When sharing presentations on Slideshare, use the full 70 characters of your SEO title and be sure to include your brand name and specific keywords. Though you can use up to 3,000 characters in the meta description, only the first 160 count. SlideShare allows you to add up to 20 meta tags as well. Clickable links on SlideShare can be included in your PowerPoint presentations to help get traffic back to your website.

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