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 7 апреля 2023, 14:43
Fildena 200mg - Effective Erectile Dysfunction Pills

For up to 90 minutes, Fildena 100mg can aid with erection maintenance. Sildenafil Citrate 200 mg is the active ingredient of the generic drug Fildena 200mg. The blood flow to the penis is increased by relaxing the blood vessel muscles. The main indication for its use is the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Fortune Healthcare produces it. One tablet should be taken each day with a glass of water. Depending on the dosage and frequency of usage, Fildena 100mg effects will continue for two to three hours. The medication must be kept out of direct sunlight and in a cool, dark environment. PDE5 inhibitor Sildenafil Citrate is a component of Cenforce 200mg. The body's PDE5 enzyme is inhibited by this medication, which alters the activity of cyclic guanosine monophosphate. (cGMP). Fildena promotes erections by increasing blood flow to the penis and blocking this enzyme.

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