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 19 апреля 2022, 13:14
Are Ball Pythons Good Pets? All You Need to Know about It

Ball pythons are a kind of the snakes, which are most commonly kept as a pet snake in the houses among the people. Therefore, many people all around the world asks that are ball pythons good pets or not? Can they be kept inside the house of the people and among the people or not?


Basically, the ball pythons are known to be one of the most popular as well as the most common kind of the pet snakes for the people. This is the reason that the answer to the question are ball pythons good pets is yes!


These ball pythons are considered to be the best snakes breed or type that is best for the beginning to be kept as a pet animal in the house initially. These particular pet snakes are very docile in the nature, which are considered to be very easy in doing their care on a regular basis. 


However, the houses for the pet snakes can be differentiated from place to place and snake to snake. However, there are a few major and top most rules are there in order to check on the pet snakes in the house in order to make them healthy as well as happy in total that will guide you better to know more about the question are ball pythons good pets.


The following are some of the major biological facts mentioned here in the article regarding the ball pythons, which will give you an answer to the question are ball pythons good pets. 


Here are some of the major biological facts about ball pythons:


1. These particular pet snakes are also known as with two other names as well and that are royal python as well as python regius.


2. Ball python is constrictor, which is also known as the non venomous snake pet for the people.


3. The natural habitat of the ball python pet snake is savannah and along with this it is also known to be the grassland, and also sparsely wooded areas. 


4. The smallest ball python is african pythons


5. The ball pythons are being known to be grown around 3 to 4 fts, which is around 91 to 122 cm long in the size. However, it has been said that it does not exceed the size more than the 5 fts or we can also say that it is 152 cm.


6. It is being known to be strong as well as rocky in nature with the weight of around 3 to 4 lb, which is around 1360 to 1814 gm. However, it can also increase its weight by more than 7 lb, which is the 3175 gm. 


7. According to the experts it has been said that the life span of the ball python is 20 to 35 years on an average. However, it does require the great care with a lot of the efforts. 


8. The origin of the ball pythons is known to be africa. 


Let us now discuss about the behavior of the ball pythons that will help in understanding the answer of are ball pythons good pets in a better way:


1. The ball pythons pet snakes are known to be shy species, which get frightened very easily in the danger situations.

2. The ball pythons are known to be go on the hunt of the prey in the night most of the times.

3. When the ball pythons get stressed it generally hides in the boxes.


Here is the way of cares that is being required by the snakes, which says are ball pythons good pets:


1. It requires the proper checkup every 6 to 7 months.

2. The following medical disorders are required to be treated properly in the ball pythons:

  • Infection of the respiratory system

  • parasites

  • Burns 

  • Infection of the oral cavity.

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