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 30 ноября 2022, 16:15
10 Amazing & Unknown Facts about the Prophet’s Mosque

Masjid-Al-Nabwi or the Prophet's Mosque is located in the holy city of Makkah. This Mosque retains immense significance in Islam as well as in the heart of devotees. The believers avail of umrah packages 2023 UK from a reputable travel agency to finish their sacred trek and visit Masjid-ul-Nabawi in the holy city of Madinah. The Mosque of the Prophet is really majestic and every observed prayer in this Mosque is accepted for sure. This is the second most widespread and largest Mosque in the whole world after the Grand Mosque.

Not every believer is aware of interesting facts about this sacred Mosque. The post we have brought you consists of 10 amazing & unknown facts about the Prophet Mosque that every believer must know.

Dome of Prophet Mosque:

At present, the dome of the Prophet SAW Mosque is green. But it was not like earlier, the dome of Prophet SAW has been through several colors. You may not believe that the dome of Prophet SAWs Mosque had also been of purple & white color.

Three Mehrabs:

Mehrab is a specific place used by Imam in Mosques to lead prayers. All the Mosques in this world have only one Mehrab, except Masjid-al-Nabwi. There are three Mehrabs in the Mosque of Prophet SAW. One of them was also used by our adored Prophet SAW.

Third Mosque build in History of Islam:

The Masjid-ul-Nabwi is the third Mosque built in the history of Islam. The place where Masjid-ul-Nabwi is currently situated also served as a court, religious school, and community center. The place of this Mosque was adjacent to the house of our beloved Prophet SAW.

Prior there were no Dome but now are Two:

Prior there was no Dome over the Grave of Prophet SAW for more than 600 years. But now there are two, the small Dome is enclosed by the bigger one. The first Dome was made up of wood, which was built in the reign of Sultan Mamluk. The Name of Prophet SAW, Umar RA, and Abu Bakr RA are prescribed on the inner Dome of Tomb. Muslims after completing their trek through Hajj packages 2022 UK visit Masjid-ul-Nabawi to see these Domes.

Items from the Room of Fatima:

There were several precious items in the Room of Prophet SAW's daughter. But during World War I the Ottoman Sultan took all these priceless items from the room of Fatima. Now all these items are displayed in the Palace of Topkapi.

The First Place in Arabia peninsula to have electricity:

In 1909, the Prophet SAW’s Mosque became the first place to be provided with electricity in the whole Arabian peninsula. According to the critics, at that time the Sultan of Istanbul had complete control over electricity.

The current Mosque is larger than the old Madinah:

The present Mosque of Prophet SAW is 100 times bigger than the old Madinah. According to some arguments, Jannat al Baqi and Mount Uhud both were situated at the out strikes of Madinah. But now Jannat al Baqi lies within the boundaries of the Prophet Mosque. Mount Uhud can be accessed in two minutes from the Prophet SAW Mosque. This clears that the current Mosque is bigger than the old Madinah.

Signs in the whole Mosque:

The interior of the Mosque is furnished with the fun of architecture. Every design all over the Mosque and on its Pillars holds a significant meaning.

It took 8 Months to build Prophet Mosque:

Our beloved Prophet SAW along with other companions finished the construction of this Mosque in 8 Months. Prophet SAW indulged himself in the heavy work of the construction of the Masjid-al-Nabawi.

Second-largest Mosque:

This is the second-largest Mosque after Masjid-ul-Haram in the whole world in respect to area. This Mosque is also the resting place of our adored Prophet SAW and that thing elevates the significance of Masjid-ul-Nabwi to at another level for the Muslim nation.

Get a opputunity to visit these holy mosques by booking Cheapest umrah packages UK.


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