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 17 июня 2024, 07:38
Do you know dino game?

Despite being created with no internet connectivity in mind, the dino game has become one of the most played and cherished online titles. The game pays homage to the time before humans invented technology, when dinosaurs roamed the planet. The pixelated aesthetic of the game is influenced by the error graphics displayed by Google Chrome, which depict a dinosaur in the event of an internet outage. The developers of the dinosaur game intended to provide players with an entertaining and interesting way to kill time as they waited for their internet to return. In order to enable everyone to play the game on any device or browser, they also sought to make it as easy to use as possible.
One of the most famous and identifiable dinosaurs in popular culture is the T-Rex, who serves as the game's primary character. Marc Bolan, the lead singer of the 1970s hit rock group T-Rex, is also mentioned in relation to the T-Rex. Because the game's creators are admirers of the band, they gave it the codename "Project Bolan" while it was being developed. The T-Rex dinosaur is running through a desert, simulating the prehistoric setting from millions of years ago where dinosaurs once thrived. The general aesthetic of the game is matched by the desert's minimalistic and antiquated design.

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