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 21 февраля 2023, 12:05
enclomiphene 50

If you are ready to buy En-clofert 50 mg online at MyMediStore, choose your dosage and quantity and add your items to your cart by clicking Buy En-clofert 50mg. The prescribing doctor might recommend a different dosage.

Enclomiphene 50 (Androxal), in development by Repros Therapeutics Inc, is a non-steroidal estrogen receptor antagonist that promotes gonadotropin-dependent testosterone secretion by the testes. Enclomiphene constitutes the trans-stereoisomer of clomiphene citrate, a drug that has been widely prescribed for several decades for the treatment of female ovulatory dysfunction. 

In clinical trials conducted to date, enclomiphene tablets demonstrated significant efficacy in the physiological restoration of testosterone levels in males with secondary hypogonadism. The compound also exhibited an unanticipated favorable effect on fasting plasma glucose; this result has been accompanied by rapidly accumulating evidence from other researchers for a bidirectional relationship between low serum testosterone and obesity/metabolic syndrome (syndrome X) in men.

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