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 28 января 2021, 12:25
How does exercising help to treat erectile dysfunction?


Erectile dysfunction is a commonly encountered problem among men, regardless of their age. We can say – millions of men are suffering from ED & it's normal.

You may be suffering from ED when you cannot attain or maintain the desired hardness of erections during sexual intimacy.

If you dig deeper into this matter, you’ll get to know that it’s all about the muscles that cause erections. These are pelvic organ muscles that are supposed to lead & maintain erections. When they lose their tone & strength, ED happens. In other words, when there is a lot of stress around the smooth pelvic organ muscles, poor erectile conditions occur.

What are the risk factors of ED?

You may wonder about the possibilities that expose a man’s health to ED. Here are some common risk factors:

  • Poor heart health

  • Prostate Cancer

  • Less to no physical activity

  • Smoking & alcohol habits

  • Overweight/Obese

  • Stressful lifestyle

Believe it or not, doctors who prescribe ED medicines like Kamagra, Fildena, Cenforce, Viagra, etc also suggest that getting back to your ideal weight, making some lifestyle changes, and exercising regularly can improve ED conditions.

How effective is exercising as compared to other ED treatments?

Plucking the problems from roots will have impactful & long-lasting effects on health. Any ED medicine will only promise to minimize the effects, but it cannot cure impotence completely. By the time you’re using those medicine, you’ll surely feel that ED is gone until its active ingredient stays in your bloodstream.

To be honest, some men don’t prefer to use ED pills but opt for some natural treatments that give permanent solutions.

If you only know, physical as well as psychological factors are both responsible for causing ED. So, exercising could be an effective solution.

Which exercises are ideal for ED conditions?

According to research, only exercises that strengthen pelvic organ muscles will benefit for ED. As discussed earlier, it’s all about improved functioning of pelvic organs.

The key role of pelvic organ muscles is to sustain the blood flow in the penis to let it hold on to stiffer & firm erections throughout the sexual intercourse. This happens when the muscles pressurize penile veins & this pressure prevents blood from leaving the male genitals. Thus, the rock-hard erection becomes possible.


3 Kegel Exercises for men to try for ED

1.       Pelvic floor muscles activation

It’s extremely easy for any man to perform pelvic floor exercising as it is extremely simple. As you do this, your pelvic floor muscles will be activated. Follow these steps:

  • Lie down on the floor in a position where your knees are bent & feet are flat on the floor. Your arms must be lying by the sides in a relaxed position.

  • Exhale in such a way that your pelvic organ muscles are squeezed for a count of three.

  • Next, inhale & release for a count of three.

  • Allow yourself to determine the right group of muscles underlying the pelvis. While you’re doing this, you may accidentally contract other muscles like the stomach, legs, buttock, etc but that’s fine.


2.       Pelvic floor activation by Sitting

You must have got an idea that we’re about to guide you for activating pelvic muscles in a sitting position. Do this:

  • Sit in such a way that your arms are on the sides, your feet are flat-lying on the floor & hips are wide apart.

  • As we did in step one, exhale & inhale for a count of three.

  • You have to gain better control that only pelvic organ muscles are contracting & not your stomach, leg, or buttock muscles.


3.       Pelvic floor activation by Standing

Lastly, we’ll be activating pelvic muscles in a standing position. Here is what you’ll do:

  • Stand straight, if possible, stand with your wall support.

  • Repeat the inhale-exhale technique, as done in steps one & two.

  • Make sure that your stomach, buttock & leg muscles aren’t contracting.

Note: Kegel exercises are to be performed three times a day.


3 Pilates Exercises that’ll work for men with ED & Oral treatment also helps to treat erectile dysfunction

Pilate exercises are performed for activating the right muscle-group & it challenges the individual for maintaining pelvic floor strength while moving.

1.       Pelvic curl

One of the most common Pilate exercises, pelvic curls is very effective. Let us show you how to perform this step by step:

  • Lie down in a position when your knees are bent, feet are lying flat on the floor, and arms are positioned by the side.

  • Your spine should be in a neutral position in such a way that a small space is maintained between your middle-back & floor.

  • Now, exhale & concentrate on your pelvic organ muscles. 

2.       Knee fallouts

Ideal for beginners, knee fallouts are all about small movements. Here is what you should do:

  • Lie down in a position when your knees are bent, feet are lying flat on the floor, and arms are positioned by the side.

  • Your spine should be in a neutral position in such a way that a small space is maintained between your middle-back & floor.

  • Exhale, squeeze your pelvic organ muscles & lower your knee on the floor, one at a time. Make sure your pelvic organ muscles are activated while you lower your knee towards the floor. Your pelvis should be stable when you’re doing this.

  • Now inhale & release the muscles while your knees are still bending.

  • You should repeat this on each side until your repetition count reaches 10.


3.       Supine foot raises

Similar to knee fallouts, this exercise also involves small movements.

  • Lie down in a position when your knees are bent, feet are lying flat on the floor, and arms are positioned by the side.

  • Your spine should be in a neutral position in such a way that a small space is maintained between your middle-back & floor.

  • Now, inhale & lower your foot towards the ground.

  • Repeat alternate sides with 10 repetitions on each side.

Fast way to cure erectile dysfunction (Cenforce 100, Sildamax)


Which other exercises can help?

  • Aerobics

  • Skipping

  • Boxing

  • Running

  • Cycling

These are a few other exercises that could be done for at least 40 minutes daily for 6 months to see positive changes to your ED problems. Besides this, consuming a healthy diet will also help you reach your goals easily.

Final Thoughts

You have now discovered some very good exercises that are recognized by experts for the treatment of ED. Before you start doing any of them, make sure you’ve consulted your doctor & then performing any that suits best according to your health conditions. We hope this helps.


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