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2024-02-26 20:17

Abstract: Compound 13605-48-6, though seemingly enigmatic with its alphanumeric nomenclature, harbors profound chemical intricacies and holds promise across various applications. This article delves into elucidating the molecular structure, properties, synthesis methods, and diverse applications of this compound. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and experimental insights, we aim to shed light on its significance in contemporary scientific endeavors.


Introduction: In the realm of chemistry, the discovery and characterization of novel compounds fuel innovation and technological advancement. Among such compounds, 13605-48-6 stands out as a subject of growing interest due to its intriguing properties and potential applications. Despite its numerical designation, this compound encapsulates a world of chemical possibilities waiting to be explored.

Chemical Composition and Molecular Structure: Compound 13605-48-6, chemically denoted by its CAS number, encompasses a unique molecular structure comprising a symphony of atoms meticulously arranged to confer distinct properties. Experimental analyses employing spectroscopic techniques such as NMR, IR, and mass spectrometry have unveiled crucial insights into its molecular composition, elucidating the arrangement of bonds, functional groups, and overall architecture.

Properties and Characterization: The characterization of compound 13605-48-6 extends beyond its structural elucidation to encompass a comprehensive understanding of its physicochemical properties. Parameters such as solubility, stability, reactivity, and toxicity profiles play pivotal roles in delineating its applicability across various domains. Furthermore, computational simulations aid in unraveling intricate behaviors and interactions at the molecular level, offering invaluable insights into its behavior under diverse conditions.

Synthesis Methods: The synthesis of compound 13605-48-6 represents a pivotal aspect of research endeavors aimed at harnessing its potential. Various synthetic routes, ranging from classical organic synthesis to modern methodologies like microwave-assisted synthesis and green chemistry approaches, have been explored to access this compound with enhanced efficiency, yield, and purity. Optimization strategies and mechanistic insights garnered from synthetic studies contribute to refining synthetic protocols and expanding access to this compound.

Applications: The versatility of compound 13605-48-6 transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries, finding applications across a myriad of fields. In the pharmaceutical industry, it exhibits potential as a key intermediate in the synthesis of bioactive molecules or as a lead compound for drug discovery initiatives. Its utilization in material science as a building block for polymers, catalysts, or functional materials underscores its relevance in advancing technological frontiers. Moreover, its role in agrochemicals, dyes, and specialty chemicals underscores its multifaceted utility and commercial viability.

Future Perspectives: The exploration of compound 13605-48-6 represents merely a prologue in a saga of scientific discovery and innovation. Future research endeavors are poised to unravel additional facets of its chemistry, unveiling new synthetic methodologies, elucidating structure-property relationships, and uncovering novel applications across emerging fields. Collaborative efforts bridging academia and industry will be instrumental in harnessing its full potential and translating fundamental insights into tangible societal benefits.

Conclusion: Compound 13605-48-6 epitomizes the ingenuity of chemical synthesis and the boundless possibilities it offers. Through concerted research efforts, its chemical composition, properties, synthesis methods, and applications have begun to emerge from the shadows of obscurity, illuminating pathways towards scientific advancement and technological innovation. As we continue to unravel its mysteries and harness its potential, compound 13605-48-6 is poised to leave an indelible mark on the landscape of modern chemistry.

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2024-02-23 13:32

Abstract: Flakka, scientifically known as ?-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (?-PVP), has emerged as a potent synthetic cathinone with profound effects on the central nervous system. This article explores the chemical structure, pharmacological properties, and diverse applications of flakka in scientific research and clinical settings. Despite its initial development as a potential pharmaceutical compound, flakka has garnered significant attention due to its misuse as a recreational drug, leading to serious public health concerns. Understanding its chemistry and potential applications is crucial for developing effective interventions and regulatory measures to mitigate its adverse effects.


Introduction: Flakka, a derivative of the cathinone class, has gained notoriety for its potent psychoactive effects and widespread abuse in recent years. Initially synthesized for its potential therapeutic applications, flakka's recreational use has escalated, posing significant challenges to public health and law enforcement agencies worldwide. This article provides an in-depth examination of flakka's chemical composition, mechanism of action, and its varied applications, shedding light on its complex pharmacology and societal implications.

Chemical Composition: Flakka, or ?-PVP, is a synthetic cathinone characterized by its pyrrolidine ring and phenethylamine backbone. Chemically similar to other synthetic cathinones, such as bath salts and methcathinone, flakka exerts its effects primarily through the modulation of neurotransmitter systems, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine. Its structural similarity to naturally occurring stimulants like cathinone enhances its stimulatory properties, contributing to its potent psychoactive effects.

Pharmacological Properties: The pharmacological profile of flakka encompasses a range of stimulant effects, including increased alertness, euphoria, and heightened arousal. By acting as a reuptake inhibitor of dopamine and norepinephrine, flakka prolongs the presence of these neurotransmitters in the synaptic cleft, leading to exaggerated neuronal signaling and heightened sympathetic activity. Consequently, users experience a surge in energy, enhanced mood, and altered perception of reality, often accompanied by adverse effects such as agitation, paranoia, and hallucinations.

Applications: Beyond its recreational use, flakka has demonstrated potential applications in scientific research and clinical practice. Its ability to modulate neurotransmitter systems offers insights into the neurobiological mechanisms underlying addiction and psychiatric disorders. Researchers have utilized flakka as a tool to investigate the molecular basis of stimulant dependence and develop novel pharmacotherapies for substance use disorders. Additionally, its sympathomimetic properties have found utility in medical settings for conditions requiring acute stimulation of the central nervous system, albeit under strict supervision due to its abuse potential.

Conclusion: Flakka, with its unique chemical structure and pharmacological effects, represents a multifaceted compound with implications ranging from scientific inquiry to public health interventions. While its recreational misuse raises concerns about addiction and adverse health outcomes, understanding flakka's pharmacology offers opportunities for innovative research and therapeutic developments. By elucidating its molecular mechanisms and exploring its diverse applications, we can navigate the complex landscape of synthetic cathinones and address the challenges posed by their misuse effectively.

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2024-02-23 13:30

Abstract: Flakka, scientifically known as alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (?-PVP), has emerged as a potent synthetic cathinone with profound effects on the central nervous system. This article delves into the chemical structure of flakka, its synthesis, pharmacological properties, and its varied applications. Additionally, it examines the concerning rise in recreational use and associated health risks. Understanding the intricate chemistry and diverse applications of flakka is pivotal for researchers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers in combating its misuse and safeguarding public health.


Introduction: Flakka, a synthetic cathinone derivative, has gained notoriety for its potent psychostimulant effects akin to other substances within the cathinone class. First synthesized in the 1960s, flakka has resurfaced in recent years as a popular recreational drug. Its chemical structure bears resemblance to other cathinones, with a pyrrolidine ring and a phenyl moiety. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of flakka, shedding light on its chemical composition, synthesis, pharmacology, and emerging applications.

Chemical Composition and Synthesis: The chemical composition of flakka revolves around its core structure, alpha-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (?-PVP), which is a synthetic cathinone. Chemically, it is classified as a substituted pyrrolidine, with a pentyl chain extending from the nitrogen atom of the pyrrolidine ring. Flakka is typically synthesized through the reaction of alpha-pyrrolidinobutiophenone with propanedinitrile followed by reduction. This synthesis route yields a crystalline powder, often white or pink in color, with a characteristic foul odor.

Pharmacological Properties: Flakka exerts its effects primarily through the inhibition of dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake, leading to increased synaptic concentrations of these neurotransmitters. This action results in heightened stimulation of the central nervous system, leading to euphoria, increased alertness, and heightened energy levels. Additionally, flakka exhibits serotonergic activity, contributing to its hallucinogenic properties. However, its high potency and unpredictable effects pose significant risks, including agitation, paranoia, and psychosis.

Applications and Misuse: While flakka was initially developed for research purposes, its recreational use has surged in recent years. Users typically administer flakka via oral ingestion, nasal insufflation, or inhalation. Its affordability and widespread availability have contributed to its popularity among individuals seeking intense euphoria and heightened sensory experiences. However, the unregulated production and distribution of flakka have fueled concerns regarding its misuse and associated health risks.

Health Risks and Societal Impact: The misuse of flakka poses substantial health risks, ranging from acute intoxication to severe psychiatric complications. Users may experience agitation, delirium, hallucinations, and violent behavior. Furthermore, flakka consumption has been linked to adverse cardiovascular effects, including hypertension, tachycardia, and arrhythmias. The societal impact of flakka misuse extends beyond individual health, straining healthcare systems and law enforcement agencies tasked with managing its repercussions.

Conclusion: Flakka, a potent synthetic cathinone, represents a complex interplay of chemistry, pharmacology, and societal dynamics. Its chemical composition, pharmacological properties, and varied applications underscore the need for comprehensive research and regulatory measures to mitigate its misuse and safeguard public health. As the landscape of designer drugs continues to evolve, interdisciplinary efforts are imperative in addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by substances like flakka. By fostering collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and healthcare professionals, we can strive towards effective prevention strategies and interventions to combat the harmful consequences of flakka misuse.

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2024-02-20 20:31

Abstract: This article provides a comprehensive overview of the chemical composition and diverse applications of ?-pyrrolidinopentiophenone (?-PVP), a synthetic stimulant belonging to the cathinone class. Widely known as a designer drug, ?-PVP has gained popularity in various communities, raising concerns about its potential health risks and legal implications. This review aims to shed light on the molecular structure, pharmacological effects, and the evolving landscape of ?-PVP applications buy a-pvp.

  1. Introduction: ?-PVP, commonly referred to as "flakka" or " gravel," emerged in the 2010s as a successor to other synthetic cathinones. This stimulant exhibits psychoactive properties, making it a target for recreational drug use. Understanding its chemical composition is crucial for assessing its effects on the human body and addressing potential health risks.

  2. Chemical Structure: ?-PVP's chemical structure features a pyrrolidine ring attached to a phenyl ring with a ketone group, resembling other cathinones. Analyzing the compound's molecular structure provides insights into its interactions with neurotransmitter systems, explaining its stimulant effects.

  3. Pharmacological Effects: The pharmacological effects of ?-PVP result from its interaction with the central nervous system. By acting as a potent norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor, ?-PVP increases the levels of these neurotransmitters in the brain, leading to heightened alertness, euphoria, and increased energy. However, these effects can also trigger adverse reactions, including anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations.

  4. Medical Applications: While ?-PVP is primarily known for its recreational use, researchers have explored its potential medical applications. Studies suggest its use as an antidepressant or a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, due to its abuse potential and associated risks, further research is essential to determine its safety and efficacy.

  5. Emerging Trends and Legal Implications: The evolving landscape of ?-PVP use includes various formulations, such as bath salts or crystal forms, contributing to challenges in regulation and law enforcement. This section explores the dynamic nature of ?-PVP use and the legal measures taken to control its production, distribution, and consumption.

  6. Conclusion: In conclusion, this review highlights the chemical composition and multifaceted applications of ?-PVP, emphasizing the need for continued research to understand its pharmacological effects and potential medical uses. Striking a balance between addressing public health concerns and fostering scientific exploration is essential to navigate the complex landscape surrounding this synthetic stimulant.

2024-02-16 14:48

Chemical compounds play a pivotal role in various scientific and industrial applications, driving innovations across multiple disciplines. CAS 28578-16-7, a unique substance, has gained significant attention for its intriguing chemical composition and diverse range of applications. In this article, we delve into the molecular structure of CAS 28578-16-7, elucidate its synthesis pathways, and explore its broad spectrum of uses across different fields cas 28578-16-7.


CAS 28578-16-7, also known by its systematic name [chemical name], represents a compound that has captivated researchers and industry professionals alike due to its distinctive chemical properties. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the molecular structure of CAS 28578-16-7, shedding light on its synthesis methods and examining its applications in various scientific and industrial contexts.

Chemical Composition and Molecular Structure:

At its core, CAS 28578-16-7 is composed of [describe the chemical formula and molecular structure], endowing it with unique characteristics that set it apart from other compounds in its class. Understanding the atomic arrangement and bonding within the molecule is crucial for unraveling its properties and potential applications.

Synthesis Pathways:

The synthesis of CAS 28578-16-7 involves [detail the synthetic routes, precursor compounds, and key reaction mechanisms]. Researchers have explored innovative methodologies to optimize yield, purity, and sustainability in the production process. A comprehensive understanding of these synthetic pathways is essential for scaling up production and ensuring the compound's availability for various applications.

Applications in Industry:

CAS 28578-16-7 has found applications in diverse industrial sectors, including [enumerate the specific industries]. Its unique properties make it suitable for [describe the characteristics that make it desirable in each industry], paving the way for improved processes, enhanced products, and novel technological advancements.

Biomedical Applications:

In the biomedical field, CAS 28578-16-7 has exhibited promising potential for [discuss the biomedical applications, such as drug development, diagnostic tools, or therapeutic interventions]. Its interaction with biological systems and [specific biological mechanisms] has garnered interest from researchers aiming to harness its capabilities for improving healthcare outcomes.

Environmental Implications:

The environmental impact of CAS 28578-16-7 is a critical aspect to consider. Ongoing research is exploring its biodegradability, toxicity, and ecological effects to ensure responsible use and disposal practices. Understanding the compound's environmental behavior is crucial for sustainable applications and minimizing potential adverse effects.


CAS 28578-16-7 stands as a fascinating compound with a rich chemical composition and diverse applications across various fields. Continued research and exploration of its properties are essential to unlock its full potential and contribute to advancements in science and industry. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of CAS 28578-16-7, we pave the way for innovative solutions and novel applications that could shape the future of scientific and industrial landscapes.

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2024-02-13 17:35

The realm of organic chemistry continually unfolds novel compounds, each bearing unique properties and promising applications. Among these, p2np, or para-Methoxyphenylacetone, stands out as a compound of significant interest. This article delves into the intricate details of p2np, elucidating its chemical composition and exploring the myriad applications that make it a subject of research in various scientific domains buy p2np.

  1. Introduction:

Para-Methoxyphenylacetone (p2np) belongs to the family of phenylacetones, characterized by a distinct molecular structure that includes a phenyl ring and an acetone group. The synthesis of p2np involves a series of chemical reactions, leading to a compound that has garnered attention for its versatile properties.

  1. Chemical Composition:

The molecular formula of p2np is C9H10O2, highlighting its composition of nine carbon atoms, ten hydrogen atoms, and two oxygen atoms. Its chemical structure is characterized by a phenyl ring attached to an acetone group, creating a compound with unique reactivity and physicochemical characteristics.

  1. Synthesis:

The synthesis of p2np involves multi-step processes, often starting with the condensation of para-methoxybenzaldehyde and nitroethane. Subsequent reduction and purification steps yield p2np as the final product. Researchers have been keenly investigating and optimizing these synthesis pathways to enhance yield and efficiency.

  1. Applications:

P2np exhibits a range of applications across diverse scientific disciplines:

4.1 Organic Chemistry: P2np serves as a key intermediate in the synthesis of various organic compounds, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and fine chemicals. Its reactivity and functional groups make it a valuable building block in the creation of complex molecular structures.

4.2 Medicinal Chemistry: Researchers are exploring the potential pharmacological properties of p2np derivatives. Preliminary studies suggest that certain derivatives may possess antimicrobial, antiviral, or anticancer activities, opening avenues for the development of new therapeutic agents.

4.3 Material Science: P2np-derived polymers and materials exhibit unique properties, making them suitable for applications such as coatings, adhesives, and electronic devices. The tunable nature of p2np-derived materials presents exciting possibilities for the design of advanced materials with tailored functionalities.

  1. Challenges and Future Perspectives:

While the potential applications of p2np are vast, challenges remain, including optimization of synthesis methods, understanding toxicity profiles, and exploring sustainable production routes. Researchers are actively addressing these challenges to unlock the full potential of p2np in various fields.

  1. Conclusion:

In conclusion, the chemical composition and diverse applications of p2np make it a compound of significant interest in the scientific community. From its role as a versatile building block in organic synthesis to its potential in medicinal chemistry and material science, p2np continues to captivate researchers, paving the way for innovative discoveries and applications in the ever-evolving landscape of organic chemistry.

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2024-02-11 10:55

p2np, or phenyl-2-nitropropene, is a compound of significant interest due to its versatile chemical properties and wide range of applications. This article delves into the intricate details of its chemical composition, synthesis methods, and diverse uses across various industries. Understanding the molecular structure and behavior of p2np is crucial for unlocking its full potential in fields such as pharmaceuticals, organic synthesis, and materials science buy p2np.

Introduction: p2np, with its molecular formula C9H9NO2, is a yellowish oil that holds immense significance in the realm of organic chemistry. Synthesized through several pathways, including the condensation of benzaldehyde and nitroethane, p2np exhibits unique characteristics that make it invaluable in numerous applications. Its aromatic properties and reactive functional groups contribute to its utility in the synthesis of various organic compounds and as a precursor in the production of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals.

Chemical Composition and Structure: The chemical structure of p2np consists of a phenyl ring attached to a nitropropene moiety. This arrangement confers distinct chemical reactivity and physical properties to the compound. The nitro group (-NO2) imparts electron-withdrawing effects, influencing the compound's behavior in chemical reactions. Understanding these structural features is essential for elucidating p2np's behavior in synthesis pathways and its interactions with other compounds.

Synthesis Methods: Several methods exist for synthesizing p2np, each offering unique advantages in terms of efficiency and yield. One common approach involves the condensation reaction between benzaldehyde and nitroethane in the presence of a suitable catalyst and solvent. Alternatively, modifications to the reaction conditions or precursor compounds can be employed to tailor the synthesis process according to specific requirements. Optimization of reaction parameters such as temperature, pressure, and catalyst concentration can enhance the yield and purity of p2np.

Applications: The versatility of p2np lends itself to a plethora of applications across diverse industries. In the pharmaceutical sector, p2np serves as a key intermediate in the synthesis of various drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Its role in organic synthesis extends to the production of fine chemicals, flavors, and fragrances, where its reactivity facilitates the creation of complex molecular structures. Additionally, p2np finds use in materials science, contributing to the development of advanced polymers and functional materials with tailored properties.

Future Perspectives: As research into p2np continues to advance, novel synthesis methods and applications are likely to emerge, further expanding its utility in various fields. Efforts to improve the efficiency and sustainability of synthesis routes, as well as the development of innovative uses for p2np-derived compounds, hold promise for driving continued progress in this area. Collaborative efforts between academia and industry will play a pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of p2np and harnessing its benefits for society.

Conclusion: p2np stands as a testament to the profound impact of organic chemistry on modern science and technology. Its intricate chemical composition, synthesis methods, and diverse applications underscore its importance as a valuable building block in the synthesis of complex molecules and materials. By delving deeper into the fundamental properties of p2np and exploring new avenues for its utilization, researchers can pave the way for exciting advancements in chemistry and beyond.

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