In this blog post, I'll discuss a very broad question that occurs to anyone considering a career in data science. That thought is probably going through your mind right now, too.
In every case, the general question is, "How to approach data science?"Along with this one, we'll cover many similar queries, like "Where to start?" and "How long does it take?"
Before we start, let me explain why I'm a suitable candidate to address this subject. I earned my physics degree in college before switching to yoga and completing a master's degree in the field. I was working as a yoga therapist. I decided to learn Python at the onset of the pandemic and then learned about data science. I had the exact same inquiries in my brain at the time, and I battled a lot to get where I am now (I'm currently employed as a data scientist in a startup.). Also, there are a number of best data science courses in India that can be helpful in developing your skills. As I continue to learn, I thought sharing this with individuals just starting out could be helpful.
What is Data Science?
Everyone should have clarity on this before proceeding with the discussion. Data science can be summed up as the study of data. It involves creating systems for gathering, storing, and analyzing data to draw out relevant information. Data science aims to extract information and insight from any data, whether organized or unstructured, to increase profitability.
Although it overlaps with computer science, data science is a distinct field. The fields of statistics and mathematics are more closely allied to data science. It can be beneficial to have a strong background in math or statistics. Nevertheless, if math or statistics are not your strong suit, don't panic; you can improve with time and effort.
Is Data Science the Right Choice For Me?
You should make a solid decision about data science even though you have chosen it as your career so that you can continue with it over the long term. Why did you choose it? Please explain to yourself. Whether it's for financial gain or because you adore something. Whatever the reason, be certain of it before beginning any work.
Which data science elements are essential to understand?
A broad field exists in data science. Here, you must select the role you are most at ease. Whether they are business analysts, machine learning engineers, data analysts, etc., 50–60% of the components in each role are the same. People in all of these professions, for instance, learn Python, and they are familiar with SQL and some tools for data visualization, such as Excel and Tableau.
First, what is Python, shall we say?
According to the official Python documentation, Python is a dynamically semantic, object-oriented, high-level language for programming that may be interpreted.
By "interpreted" in this context, we imply that the interpreter runs the code. In contrast to C/C++, you do not have to compile your program before running it.
If you want to define your own objects, object-oriented programming refers to writing programs that do just that.
Why use Python for Data Science?
Python code is written with readability in mind, reducing program maintenance expenses.
Python's syntax is also simple and quick to learn. Additionally, Python provides the following:
Modules and packages.
Encouraging program modularity and code reuse.
Making the life of a coder more fun and less nerdy.
What Python modules, libraries, and concepts are necessary for data science?
Python's data structures, functions, and a rudimentary grasp of oops are the three key parts of the language you should be familiar with. These ideas are referred to as the language's fundamentals.
After reviewing the principles, you should familiarize yourself with some scientific libraries, like Numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, sklearn, scipy, stats, etc. As you deal with data in data science, these scientific libraries will greatly help you. If you want to delve deeper into machine learning, some well-known deep learning frameworks are TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch. You can master these libraries with the help of the best data science courses in Bangalore.
We'll start with machine learning after Python. We must learn how to handle data first, which is the first thing we must accomplish. How to experiment with arrays, series, and data frames. Understanding numpy techniques is necessary to play with arrays. To work with arrays, Numpy was created specifically. The remaining 40% of Numpy's methods will become clear to you as you progress in data science, but it will take a few weeks to grasp 50–60% of them.
When you have mastered the array portion, the data frame portion will be your next step. Next, the panda's library's function is discussed. Pandas will show you how to work with a series, similar to a data frame's column. Learning pandas may be incredibly frustrating at first, but if you persevere and practice hard, you will succeed. Pandas will be a breeze to use once you fully grasp them. Never ever feel defeated, even if you can't recall how to use Numpy, Pandas, or other software, because all you need to do is search online to complete the task. Nobody learns how to do anything by memory; instead, we research it online.
The job of visualization occurs once you have mastered the use of arrays, series, and data frames. By looking into data frames, you will obviously not just see what is in the data. We offer a matplotlib library to use if you need to plot charts, graphs, etc. It includes numerous techniques for histograms, bar plots, pie charts, scatterplots, line graphs, etc. Initially, it could seem like this is incredibly tedious, and you just don't understand it, but trust me, everything has a trend. You will begin to love a subject once you have passed the threshold of this difficult learning process and can identify the pattern in learning it. If you have decided to take the first step to build a career, enroll in an online data science course in Pune, and skyrocket your career.