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 22 ноября 2023, 10:30
Biggest Downsides of Shark NV360 Many May Overlook

Shark Navigator Lift-Away NV360, as we have mentioned in many Shark Navigator Lift-Away Deluxe NV360 - The NV360 Reviews, is an amazing upright that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg. But with such a cheap price tag, there are some not-so-good things about this machine that you should not overlook when considering it.

Picked For You: Blue Shark Navigator Lift-Away Deluxe NV360 Upright Vacuum Cleaner

Some Disadvantages of Shark NV360

  • It's easy to tip over.

The Shark NV360 isn't exactly a well-balanced machine. In the upright position, it's not too stable, and you can topple it easily with little force. When you're vacuuming with the NV360, it can also fall when you accidentally bump into it or pull it too hard. This is not a serious performance issue, but it may become a bit annoying for some users.

  • The hose is short.

The Shark NV360 doesn't have a very long hose. It's okay if you mainly use the machine in the Lift-Away mode, but it may pose some issues if you want to attach another tool at the end of the handle. The hose is just too short for this. While you can stretch it, the hose is quite stiff, and this won't make things easier for you. And pulling the hose too hard may also cause the machine to fall over, as we have mentioned above.

  • The brushroll gets tangled easily.

The raw performance when it comes to pet hair of the Shark vacuum NV360 review is quite good. The machine gets rid of a lot of it in a short period of time, but the biggest problem is the hair may wrap around the brushroll and become a pain to remove.

Other high-end vacuums from Shark benefits from the Zero-M technology to deal with this. The self-cleaning brushroll on those machines doesn’t get tangled easily like the one in the NV360. So if you have many pets and there is plenty of hair to clean on a regular basis,  the Shark NV360 might not be a good choice for you.

  • The power cord is short.

It's not just the hose, but the power cord of the NV360 isn't long either. A lot of similar uprights come with at least a 30-foot power cord, providing a decent cleaning reach. This is the minimum length you should expect in new uprights as anything shorter may force you to find and switch to a new outlet too often while vacuuming a big room.

  • The included attachments are quite limited.

The tools Shark provides with the NV360 are exactly awe-inspiring. They are just a few basic attachments, and they can all benefit from some improvements as well. The crevice tool is particularly shorter than those of other upright models.

Additionally, all the tools are compression fit. This means you have to push them on and pull them off when trying to attach them to the machine. It isn't a secure mechanism, even though the tools still fit nicely on the hose.


By listing some weak points of the Shark NV360, we don't mean this is a bad vacuum cleaner. In fact, it's still one of the best choices you have at this price point. It's just that you need to keep those downsides in mind to not get any unpleasant surprises after buying it.

Important Site:


About Shark NV360 Vacuum: things that haven’t been answered

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