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 1 февраля 2023, 20:17
Guide for performing Umrah with elderly

Umrah is one of the best gifts that Allah Almighty can give to a believer. Allah makes it possible for a Muslim to do this whenever he wants. Some people get it when they are young, while others don't get it until they are older. In short, you should never pass up the chance to do umrah when you have the chance.

We should all do umrah with older people because it is a beautiful thing to do. So, if you're also going to Makkah with older people to do Umrah as part of a Umrah packages Birmingham with flights, here's a little guide.

Best time to go on Umrah

If you are taking older people with you on your umrah trip, December might be the best time to do the religious rituals. This is why;

The best time to do umrah is in December, when things are the easiest. The number of people in Haramain is smaller than in other places. So, the crowd pushing and shoving might not be a big deal at all.

The weather in Saudi Arabia is at its best in December. Since the country is in a hot desert, the average daytime temperature in the winter is 22 degrees Celsius, which is perfect for the umrah rituals. Especially if you are coming from a cold place.

Hotels and flights are cheaper in December because it is the holiday season. So, getting luxury travel amenities for the elderly would be a cheap thing to do for their comfort.

What kind of room should you book?

Whenever you want to do holy rituals during umrah season, you should always book a good place to stay. In other words, when you're with older people, you shouldn't settle for anything less than a 5-star hotel. Why? Well, these kinds of hotels offer the best comfort and living facilities that an older person might need. The best thing about these hotels is that they are close to the holy places, so you can walk to Masjid-al-Haram, for example. Wheelchairs, chauffeur services, peaceful living environments, etc. are also available.

Comfort must come first when travelling

In the same way, comfort on the road should never be put at risk. So, always book your flights with reputable airlines, and if you can, try to get a seat in the first class section. Even though it's a bit pricey, it will save you a lot of time and energy and make sure you're comfortable.

Getting IDs ready for everyone

When travelling with elderly people, you need to make sure that everyone in your family, but especially the elderly, has their own ID. Also, make sure to bring their necessary medicines and medical records with you. So that any unexpected situation can be dealt with in the right way.

There are wheelchairs, electric scooters, and other mobility aids in Haramain

There are an infinite number of wheelchairs, electric scooters, and other devices that can help elderly people get around during the umrah rituals. You can rent these to make it easier for them to do the Umrah 2023 rituals of Sayee and Tawaf. The religion also lets you do this.

These are some of the most important things you should know about taking older people on Umrah.

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