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06.08.2024 14.51.18
Know The Do’s And Don’ts To Recover from Sciatica

Have you ever felt a sharp, shooting pain that runs from your lower back down to your hips and buttocks and into your leg? You could be suffering from lumbar radiculopathy, often known as sciatica.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica pain is felt along the sciatic nerve, which is the body’s longest nerve. Sciatica pain usually occurs when a bone spur or herniated disc compresses a spinal nerve root in your lower back, causing intense pain in your back, leg, and buttock.

Sciatica is more common in the elderly due to the normal wear and tear on the spine that occurs with age.However, younger people can have sciatic pain as a result of a fall, or an injury.

When you have sciatica, knowing what to do is as important as knowing what not to do, and by following these tips, you will reduce your chances of experiencing sciatica symptoms.

If you have sciatica, you may have tried everything to stop your pain, including physical therapy, and other drugs, but did you realize that every day there are several things that can aggravate your condition?

The do’s for recovering from sciatica

· Remain active and mobile: Severe pain may make bed rest essential for some time but retaining mobility as much as easily possible is essential as bedrest alone can be counterproductive. This is supported by research evidence and old days of absolute bed rest are only reserved for some specific conditions such as spinal fractures.

· Regular stretching: Stretching on a daily basis can be beneficial as can be yoga. However extreme stretches are best avoided when experiencing a flare up episode (increased pain).

· Strengthening exercises: Gentle strengthening activities are essential for future prevention and can work wonders in long term.

· Use heat or cold packs: While many people suffering with sciatica want to grab for an over-the-counter pain reliever, using either heating or cooling packs is an alternative option for pain relief. Heating pads might help relieve aching muscles that are tense. Cooling packs, on the other hand, can help reduce swelling/inflammation.

The don’ts for recovering from sciatica

· Stay away from complete bed rest: You can stay in bed for as long as you need to if you are in severe discomfort but try to maintain as much mobility as possible.

· Avoid Lifting heavy objects: You must follow your doctor’s advice, but in general, avoid lifting anything heavy especially during the acute phases of sciatica.Avoid bending and lifting objects from the ground as this places extra stress on the spine which our muscles and ligaments bear. When this is paired with the weight of the object you’re lifting, your ligaments, bones, and discs may get overloaded, causing injury. Combining twisting motions with other movements like forward or side bending should especially be avoided.

· Warming up before exercises is essential: Certain workouts with a lot of resistance can worsen your sciatica if you don’t warm up your muscles first.

· Sitting for long periods should be avoided: While many of us have professions that require us to sit for lengthy periods of time, sitting down can worsen or increase the frequency of pain. Standing desks/ variable height desks are an alternative to consider.

· Avoid taking long car trips: Of course, this isn’t always possible, but if you’re on a long trip, take frequent rests with regular change of position and stretching.

· Be mindful of your posture and ergonomics: prolonged unhealthy postures can cause increased strain of back and worsen the pain in long term.

The majority of sciatica patients do not necessitate surgery. Usually, time and self-care therapy are all that are required. However, if basic self-care methods do not reduce your pain, interventions such as injections (nerve root blocks, epidural) can be considered. Feel free to get in touch with us for further information.

The final word about sciatica. . . .

If you are suffering with sciatica pain and not getting relief, make an appointment right away with Dr. Amod Manocha, the best pain management specialist in Delhi and Gurgaon, to receive the best of his expertise and world-class treatment options.

23.07.2024 12.57.28
Back Pain Which Should Not To Be Ignored

Back pain is a common problem affecting 8 out of 10 people at some point in their life. It can affect people of all ages and is a common reason for seeking medical assistance. Back pain can arise due to many reasons and accounts for significant suffering & financial loss worldwide.

Many people choose to treat their back pain at home with pain relieving medications, heat and ice, or stretching. So, if it’s so prevalent what are the warning signs of something serious which requires medical attention. Some of these are addressed as red flags in medical terminology to warn the clinician of the possibility of serious underlying pathology.

·         Persistent or worsening back pain. Back pain often goes away in a few days or weeks but if it is persisting or progressively increasing then its reason to seek medical attention. 

·         Back pain associated with progressive numbness, tingling, or weakness. This could be a symptom of pinched nerve, slipper disc or narrowing of the space in the spine (slipped disc) and requires medical attention

·         Inability to control your bowels or urination (incontinence) Spinal nerve compression can have an impact on one’s ability to control bladder and bowel function, leaving to incontinence. This is a severe symptom and requires immediate medical attention. 

·         Back pain starting after an accident. If your back pain began after a fall, accident or an injury

·         Back pain that is worse at night

·         Back pain associated with unexplained weight loss. .

·         Back pain with Fever. This could be a sign of infection or ongoing inflammation

·         Back pain in extremes of ages (too young or too old patients) or in high risk individuals such as those with severe osteoporosis or prolonged use of steroids or drug abuse history.