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17.02.2022 11.42.27
How to improve your sexual performance, stamina, and libido with the best food for sex

The best food to sexual pleasure: How to boost sexual sex, stamina, as well as the libido

If you fight to get or keep an erection, it's not just you. Over 3 million men across the United States experience erectile dysfunction each year. What's the big deal? It's easily treatable and frequently treatable. The most common treatments are medications such as vacuum pumps, surgery implants, surgical procedures, and prescription medicines such as Viagra (sildenafil), Silagra 100 , Vilitra 60 as well as Cialis (tadalafil).

But , it is often diagnosed by self, without the need for costly laboratory tests or uncomfortable conversations about sexual issues with your doctor. Therefore, many prefer to first look at the variety of alternatives to treatment that men who suffer from ED claim to be fast and efficient. For instance:

* Counselling

* Acupuncture

* Vitamins, nutritional supplements as well as herbal remedies

* Dietary and food changes

* Changes in lifestyle

* Exercise

1. Therapy for couples or sexual (Counseling)

If tension, anxiety, stress, or worry are a part of your symptoms and symptoms, a trained guide or a treatment program can aid in improving sexual libido and improve performance. Under the supervision of a professional you will be able to learn techniques to manage your anxiety regardless of whether it concerns your sexual life or finances, work, relationships, or something else. Use Vilitra 20 ED Pill for better sexual health.

2. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese treatment method that involves the body by insertion of thin metal pins in specific points within the body to relieve tension and promote energy flow throughout the body. Numerous studies have provided preliminary evidence that, when performed by a trained practitioner, acupuncture can be an effective and safe treatment for many complicated diseases that could cause erectile dysfunction. 

3. Vitamins and supplements

Vitamins and supplements are utilised in various religions to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction over a period of time. But the benefits of these supplements being studied thoroughly, or even secure. Be wary of fake medicines or supplements that could be dangerous.


L-arginine is a commonly-used amino acid that aids in increasing the body's ability to reproduce Nitric oxide. Nitric oxide assists in making blood vessels expand and increases blood flow to the penis by increasing sexual erections. Research shows the 31% males who had less the nitric oxide compound and also experienced erectile dysfunction experienced an improvement in sexual performance after taking L-arginine as an oral supplement. 


The "Herbal Viagra" Ginseng has been used for long periods of time to treat impotence and sexual function of males. Like numerous herbal supplements, experts believe that more research with larger sample sizes should be conducted to establish conclusive proof. However, the current research in Panax Ginseng (red Ginseng) is promising.


The bark from the African Yohimbe tree Yohimbe could be prescribed by doctors to men suffering from an erectile disorder before prescribed medications, like Suhagra 100 and Suhagra 50, were readily available. It is recommended that you are regularly in contact with an expert before taking new supplements. Some of them--such as Yohimbe, are known to cause headaches and jitteriness. They also might interact with other drugs you're considering.

4. Food and Diet

Vascular health, circulation and weight gain are typically important factors in Erection. If you're overweight, losing weight could dramatically improve erectile dysfunction. It's not surprising that many men modify their diet in order to reduce the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. 

What are the best foods to help with in preventing erectile dysfunction? Consider adding these ingredients into your daily diet.

Pomegranate Juice

Chronic illnesses, like the heart condition and blood pressure frequently contribute to erectile dysfunction. There isn't any proof that pomegranate juice can relieve the impotence. But, some studies show that drinking antioxidant-rich juices can reduce the risk of certain factors that cause the problem, like the condition of the breast or hypertension. 

Dark Chocolate

A decrease in blood flow and the flow to the penis can cause erectile dysfunction. One method to increase both is to employ antioxidants, known as flavonoids. These are similar to the ones found on dark chocolate. Flavonoids also can help lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol. Two elements have been recognized as contributing to male impotence. 


A study conducted in 2011 examined the effects of pistachios for those suffering from erectile dysfunction and found that men who ate a diet high in nuts for a few weeks experienced a substantial improvements in the sexual quality of their patients. 


It is loaded with phytonutrients (including lycopene) that are known for their role in relaxing the blood vessels that are which are involved in sexual erections. A variety of studies support the watermelon associate and enhance sexual function including studies from Texas A&M University, suggesting it might be a viable alternative to the prescriptions of a doctor Caverta 100.

5. Lifestyle shifts

Here's a list of modifications to your lifestyle that are commonly recommended for treating erectile dysfunction.

* Stop smoking cigarettes

* Reduce alcohol consumption

* Exercise more, including Kegel exercises

* Get better sleep

* Meditate

Smoking can narrow blood vessels and can reduce transmission. This is in addition to its connection to lung cancer, as well as other problems. Alcohol is an anti-central nervous system stimulant which makes it harder to attain the state of arousal.

30.10.2021 18.42.16
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29.10.2021 09.43.03



 The medication made from sildenafil citrate takes about 30 minutes by the time of intake to show its activity mechanics with efficacy of up to 6 hours. Some impotent men are more likely to be allergic to the main active element of the drug and will need to be checked for any internal allergies. While the drug enriches fildena  pill interaction, it can lead to persistent painful erection in some men. And this personality deserves your attention. Fildena tablet is usage to treat patients with erectile dysfunction.  30-40% of male patients over the age of 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction. Fildena is a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. Erectile dysfunction is a major problem that men face later in life as well as at a younger age. It’s frustrating and a big blockade to have a tough relationship.

Fildena medicine can start working in 15 minutes . It is a popular treatment for ED difficulties as it has been methodically proven that about 80% of men are experiencing sexual dysfunction. It was the first FDA-approved treatment for erectile dysfunction complications and has a long history of achievement.  Take this medicine for excellent erection only when you are aroused for physical activity. Don’t admit that ED is a serious hassle and if you are wondering if it is really 100% curable if you read the full description of the item and you get all the specifications, we know you can scan this product.

How To Take fildena:

 Fildena   is an oral capsule that can be taken with or without food 30 minutes before planned sensual intercourse. But patients need to evade fatty foods during tablet. The usual dose of Fildena  is one tablet a day. The impact of this medication lasts for 4 to 5 hours. And so you can make your sex life potent. For well results, swallow it with water and you have eaten it before or after a meal, but avoid fatty foods if you choose to take it after a meal. The fildena  pill is a generic version of Viagra and is similar in quality and effectiveness to the brand name version of Sildenafil.

 fildena  is given in different forms and doses, so it is significant to start at least one real treatment for your circumstances. Have a hard discussion with a qualified medical professional, all the ailments within you and with it, the remedies you take and mention the same details. The drug should not be taken orally more than 100 times a day or without chewing more than 100 mg as advised.  Medication can be taken with or without food but consumption of fatty foods should be avoided if you are going to take medication. Just one dose per 24 hours is enough for the patient.

How To Work fildena:

 These drugs are very effective in treating edema caused by the active ingredient sildenafil citrate. However, if necessary you can take it between 30 minutes to 4 hours before physical activity. Fildena  pill can be captured with or without food. Fildena   PDE-5 is a medicine of the inhibitory group that inhibits the phosphodiesterase enzyme in the penis. This enzyme reduces the strength of the penis while men get sexual arousal during sensual intercourse. If you consume Fildena drug after a high-fat meal, the effects can last longer.  

 Depending on the body and the dose, it may take 25 to 30 minutes for the impact on the fildena  body to become active. You need at least 30 minutes before sex. Sometimes doctors rise or decrease the dose depending on the dose and frequency of association.  Sildenafil being the basic and main active ingredient of Fildena affects the male genitalia so that they can achieve a hard erection naturally. Note that the patient must be sexually stimulated for the drug to be activated.

Dosage Of fildena:

The suggested dose of fildena  Super Active 100 mg is one tablet daily to avoid overdosing. However, it is best to use it according to the physican commendations. If you suspect an overdose, discourse it directly with your doctor.If the overdose is severe, you may need instant medical attention. Custom the missed dose as soon as possible. It can be evaded if it is almost time for the next scheduled dosage.

 If you missed your fildena  100 mg registering, please do so as soon as possible. Anyone can take sildenafil 100 mg as long as they want if the daily limit is exactingly followed. Call your doctor instantly in situation of overdose during this test. Before taking any pill, you should fildena  reviews all possible communication with your physician.   

Side-effects Of fildena:

  • Sleeplessness

  • Dizziness

  • Headache

  • Prolonged and Painful Erection

  • Indigestion

  • Diarrhea

  • Burning,

  • Bloody and Cloudy Urine

  • Flushing

  • Sensitivity to Light

  • Changes in Vision

  • Painful Urination Stomach cramps

Warning Of fildena:

A person who suffers from hypertension and consume dynamite or other nitrates. To make certain this drug does not come in contact with children, you should retain it out of their sight. Before you start taking fildena tablets, see your doctor to discuss your medical past. Talk to your physician if you have high blood pressure, kidney damage, liver damage. Avoid alcohol consumption while using this drug as it may show drowsiness-like effect.

Before taking this drug the user should always check the element present in the medicine that they are not allergic to the substance used in the drug. Do not take more than one drug a day as it can pose a serious health danger, in this case seek immediate medical help. Avoid using grapes or grape juice as it delays the action of the field drug and also lowers blood pressure.

Storage Of fildena:

Room temperature- 15 to 30 C is suitable for storing ED drug. Fildena have greater chances of losing on efficiency if heat, light and moisture come in contact with the drug. Therefore, store it in a dark and cool place. Older tablets should be disposed of properly.

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22.10.2021 13.52.34
vidalista 20 mg

Vidalista 20 mg


Vidalista 20 mg can treat mild, moderate and severe erection difficulties. It can be captured with or without meals, so the Vidalista tablet is easy to use as part of everyday life. It is the sensual dysfunction in men that makes them unable to become strong. Vidalista is available in multiple forms and powers only with bodily instruction and for the convenience of the patient. Vidalista 20 mg medicine is a solution to erectile dysfunction, ED is an erection related disorder that occurs in men. Men with erectile dysfunction have struggle erecting erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction. Millions of people worldwide suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Vidalista  contains tadalafil which regulates the PDE5 enzyme in the penis and rises blood flow through it. This rise in blood flow through the penis provides a strong erection. The medication will not work without the bodily action of the penis that occurs during physical intercourse. The penis contains phosphodiesterase type 5 enzymes that are answerable for penis erection.

Since Vidalista 20 mg tablet is a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor, it straight adjusts the enzyme that offers a stout erection to your penis. Vidalista is the only medicine approved for the treatment of erection problems for 36 hours. Many men prefer Vidalista 20 mg because they can take  drug and are not in a hurry to have sex. The remedy can start working in 30 minutes, so spontaneous physical meeting is also possible.


How To Take vidalista 20 mg :

The erection will automatically go away after sense intercourse. The dose definite in this explanation is the average dose of Vidalista. You will not get erection unless you are physically stimulated. The erection will automatically go away after sense intercourse. Take the medicine with a glass of water one hour before physical activity. Eat it without food for better results.

You can use this medicine every day but for best results it is better to follow proper rules and discuss with your doctor. Preferably, you should consume  one pill every 36 hours. The effects of the drug can last up to 36 hours, so you can enjoy the impacts of the tablet for more than a day. Swallow it whole. Do not crush, chew or break it. Vidalista works best when taken 20 mg half an hour before physical activity. Take this medicine in the dosage and duration as directed by your physician.

How To Work vidalista 20 mg:

 Vidalista works best when expended half an hour before sensual activity. You will not get erection unless you are physically stimulated. The arousal will go away on its own after a sexual meeting. The impacts  of the medication can last up to 36 hours, so you can enjoy the effects of the drug for more than a day. Always take Vidalista 20 Mg as absorbed by your physician. Don't forget to follow your doctor's recommendations. Failure to do so may result in unwanted side impacts.

Therefore, you must follow the guidelines while taking Vidalista 20. Vidalista 20 will give you a strong lift for 3-4 hours. Do not consume   more than one dose within 24 hours. Vidalista 20 mg interferes with the manufacture of a hormone called PDE5.  When using Vidalista 20 mg drug , men can get and maintain a hard erection after sensual stimulus.


Dosage Of vidalista 20 mg:

The dosage of this drug will vary for different patients. Follow your doctor's procedures or the directions on the label. The following information contains only the average dose of this drug. If your dose has changed, do not change it unless your doctor tells you to. Do not consume  or change the dose without consulting a doctor. Thus, the direction of Vadlista 20 mg tablet  with a high-fat meal does not affect the pharmacokinetics of the drug as well as its oral bioavailability.

The extreme safe dose of tadalafil is 20 mg daily, and the period of action of the medicine can last up to 40 hours. The drug is available in different strengths, the dosage of which is suggested according to its need. Ask the doctor to deal with ineffectiveness and for what period the strength of the drug will suit you best. Whereas, the ideal dose of the medicine is a tablet of Vidalista Proficient one hour or 30 minutes before the sensual interaction.



Side-effects Of vidalista 20 mg:

·         Headache

·         Dizziness

·         Vomiting

·         Diarrhea

·         Nausea

·         Back pain

·         Sleep problems

·         Breathing trouble

·         Flushing

·         Itching

·         Redness of face

·         Pale face

·         Digestion problems

·         Priapism

Warning Of vidalista 20 mg:

 If you are allergic to its components, you should discuss your body. If you experience rashes, swelling of the lips, struggle breathing while taking this medicine, you should call for instant medical help . If you are allergic to tadalafil, never try Vidalista medications to treat edema. Evade grape juice or fruit while taking Vidalista 20 mg medicine  for ED treatment. You should not consume this pill if you are using recreational drugs. They can interact with medications that reason an unwanted reaction in your body.

 Vidalista drugs are only for adult men so women and men under the age of 18 should avoid using this medication. If you are 65 or older, the human body may suggested this drug more slowly. Your registrar may begin to reduce the amount of cutter so that tadalafil does not increase in most human bodies. Elevated light of this drug inside your body can be unsafe. If you are taking nitrates, you should avoid taking Vidalista 20 mg tablets or normal tadalafil as it can lower your blood pressure. This is dangerous, especially if you have cardiovascular problems.


Storage Of vidalista 20 mg:

Store the medicine in a closed container at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Keep from freezing. Keep out of the reach of children. Do not keep outdated medicine or medicine no longer needed. Ask your healthcare professional how you should dispose of any medicine you do not use.

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21.10.2021 08.30.55
cenforce 200 mg

Cenforce 200 Mg


cenforce is used to treat male sexual appetite problems In combination with sexual prompting, cenforce works by pulling blood flow to the penis to enable the person to get and bind. Interestingly, strong oral prescriptions are accessible that can work on sexual activity, especially in more than 80% of men with disabilities. The effect usually lasts 4 to 6 hours. cenforce became the most popular drug due to its efficacy, easy availability and low cost. cenforce 200 mg tablets are a strong drug for people who are not able to get erection with another brand of sildenafil citrate with cenforce 100 mg or similar strength and dosage. cenforce 200 mg tablets are an effective treatment for impotence. It is worth noting that it only helps to get an erection.

This medicine  is available at many online stores. For the treatment of erectile dysfunction or incapability in men, cenforce 200 mg may be indicated as the initial dose. In some circumstances, it may be indicated for the treatment of symptoms of pulmonary hypertension. Cenforce 200 mg capsule is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. cenforce 200 mg works by increasing blood flow to the penis by calming the muscles in the blood vessels of the penis  . Before buying medicine from these online stores, one needs to do his own research on online research. Therefore, research is exact significant when it comes to buying stuff online. Cenforce 200 mg drug should be used at least one hour before interaction.  

 How To Take Cenforce 200 Mg:

Cenforce 200mg Tablet should be taken with a glass of water. This tablet is drunk 30 minutes before sexual intercourse. Buy Cenforce 200mg Tablet at affordable rates online. cenforce 200 mg pill is a high potency dose and should be occupied as a complete pill with a glass of water.  The patient should not crush, break or shake the medication. It should be taken only when indicated by the inhabitant. The patient can consume  cenforce 200 mg dose for 45 minutes to 1 hour before the planned bodily interaction, however, the drug needs to be sexually awakened to show its usefulness.

 The drug is generally occupied as a whole pill without being crushed or broken in half. The dosage of this medicine is based on the doctor's guidance. The drug is actually taken half an hour before the sensual interaction. However, physical aroused is very significant for the patient taking this tablet. Then, the drug remains ineffective.

How To Work Cenforce 200 Mg:

Sildenafil citrate works by blocking these enzymes. It breaks the penis properly during sexy encouragement and helps to enhance sexy intercourse. So the patient is capable to achieve a harder erection for longer. Adequate blood flow to the male genitalia, pleasurable physical attraction can be developed, and significant treatment of ED or impotence can be done. Medicine for erection problems comes in many forms. One pill is needed 30-60 minutes before planned sensual activity. It stays active for up to six hours. However, there are cases when the effect lasts for several hours.

 cenforce   allows intercourse for 200 black men who are struggling with erection and prolonging readiness time. In calculation, it is possible to have single sex for six hours after the operation. Overdose instantly gives a more successful penis structure. Erectile dysfunction occurs when enzymes called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibit the production of CGMP in the body. This pill a selective cyclic GMP proper Phosphodiesterase Type-5 Inhibitor. This receptor is answerable for erectile dysfunction and can be found in plenty in the penis part of guys. This actually is a tough inhibitor of PDE5 enzyme.

Dosage Of Cenforce 200 Mg:


There is no way to take an overdose of a patient in these circumstances, if it happens go to the nearest hospital immediately or ask for a call. pharmacist as well as soon. In situation of overdose seek emergency medical treatment or discourse a doctor. Some people may miss a dose, especially report that do not forget the dose during treatment, people who are instructed to have sex, keep reminders before sexual activity. Don't forget to take medication before sexual intercourse.

cenforce 200 mg should be taken one tablet in 24 hours. The dose should not be doubled. It starts working in half an hour and the effect lasts for 4-6 hours. If you miss a dose of this pill, classify it or take the dose immediately. If it is too late for the next dose, evade the missed dose and consume the next dose. Do not double the dose for the wrongly directed one.

Side-effects Of Cenforce 200 Mg:

    • Muscle aches

    • Rash

    • Vomiting

    • Somnolence

    • Arrhythmia

    • Nausea

    • Poor vision

    • Eye irritation

    • Pain within the chest

    • Fatigue

    • Back Pain

    • Stuffy nose

    • vomiting

    • Indigestion

    Warning Of Cenforce 200 Mg:

    cenforce 200 mg pill is not allowed to be used in situation of heart disorder, renal impairment. Use of the medication after drinking alcohol, grape juice or smoking is not allowable. Driving after taking this drug is strictly prohibited.  Before buying cenforce 200 mg. All medical history, current medical conditions and a healthy seller of all pills should be informed that Sanforce is safe. Some of these serious medical situations may require dose adjustment there.

    The strength of this medication is not harmless for some medical conditions that make it difficult. Even if it interacts with other medications it can reason adverse replies. One hundred percent sure about the advantage of the drug you buy. Buy canforce 200 mg of the medication from Fly Stores or door-to-door vendors. Some online sites offer cenforce 200 mg medicine  locally separately under the branded name to attract customers. If the drug does not show any development even after taking it for the suggested days.


    Storage Of Cenforce 200 mg :

    Store this tablets at room temperature, away from heat, and straight along sunlight  and do not cool medicine unless essential by the covering .Keep the medicine  out of the reach of child and pets.Do not use   alcohol or alcoholic drinks during the medicine as it will see precise  the side effects and affect the working of the pills.


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