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2024-06-24 11:45
Специалисты АО «Транснефть – Дружбы» отработали навыки ликвидации «аварийного разлива нефти» в Пензенской области
Пензенское районное управление АО «Транснефть – Дружба» провело плановое учебно-тренировочное занятие на подводном переходе магистрального нефтепровода (МН) Куйбышев – Унеча – Мозырь-1 через р. Суру в Пензенской области.Цель -  отработка навыков персонала по локализации и ликвидации аварийного разлива нефти, а также проведению восстановительных работ.По сценарию учения на участке пересечения МН с водным объектом автоматизированные системы зафиксировали аварийное снижение давления в полости трубопровода. Диспетчер районного диспетчерского пункта условно выполнил закрытие двух задвижек и остановил транспортировку нефти в режиме телеуправления. Патрульная группа линейной аварийно-эксплуатационной службы, оперативно прибывшая к месту «разгерметизации», уточнила характер, масштабы «повреждения» и подтвердила условный выход нефти в акваторию реки. Были приняты м......
2024-06-24 11:33
Fortune Tiger slot review Bet on your next big fortune
Fortune Tiger is a slot machine developed by PG Soft that has quickly become the top casino game in Brazil, maintaining its number one position for over a year. Fortune Tiger has captured the attention of players nationwide, establishing itself as a staple in Brazil’s online gambling scene. But why has the Tiger Game exploded in popularity fortune tiger bet? Online casino games have become a major phenomenon in Brazil, with certain titles quickly capturing the hearts of Brazilians and becoming all the rage. Notable examples include Aviator and, especially, Fortune Tiger. The latter, popularly known in Brazil as “Jogo do Tigre” or “Jogo do Tigrinho,” is an online slot game created in 2022 by the game provider PG Soft, available for both smartphones and computers fortune tiger bet. fortune tiger bet quickly gained notoriety when players began showcasing their triumphs and substantial wins on social media, particularly on TikTok and YouTube. These displays motivated many to try thei......
2024-06-24 11:33
Where Can I Find Vidalista 80 Mg For Patients Recovering From Surgery?
  Vidalista 80 mg is a medication containing tadalafil, commonly used for erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment. It's crucial to note that medications like Vidalista should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, as they can interact with other medications and may not be suitable for everyone. To obtain Vidalista 80 mg or any other dosage, you typically need a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. Here are steps you can take: Consult a Healthcare Provider: Talk to a doctor or urologist about your condition and medical history. They can determine if Vidalista 80 mg is appropriate for you. Get a Prescription: If the healthcare provider decides Vidalista 80 mg is suitable, they will issue a prescription. This is important for legal and safety reasons. Purchase from a Pharmacy: With a valid prescription, you can buy Vidalista 80 mg from a pharmacy. You can visit a local pharmacy ......
2024-06-24 10:52
Команда пензенских добровольных пожарных стала победителем корпоративных соревнований «Транснефть – Дружбы»
В АО «Транснефть – Дружба» завершились ежегодные соревнования на звание «Лучший расчет добровольной пожарной дружины».Мероприятии прошло на территории стадиона «Центральный» в г. Сызрани Самарской области. Цель – повышение боевой готовности добровольных пожарных дружин (ДПД) к возможным нештатным ситуациям на производственных объектах, отработка практических навыков, изучение и распространение опыта по вопросам обеспечения пожарной безопасности среди подразделений.В состязаниях приняли участие 4 команды – по одной из каждого районного управления: Брянского, Мичуринского, Пензенского и Куйбышевского. Расчеты ДПД соревновались в пожарной эстафете 4х100 метров, боевом развертывании от пожарной автоцистерны и преодолении 100-метровой полосы с препятствиями. Кроме того, участники демонстрировали теоретические знания.Звание «......
2024-06-24 10:36
Какой материал выбрать для внутренних стен?
Что можете посоветовать при постройке внутренних стен в доме. Я склонялся к деревянной конструкции, но мне показалось, что лишнее дерево в доме не нужно, я всегда боялся пожаров, тем более в ней хочу проложить проводку. В этом простенке еще будет ниша под книги или просто полоски сделаю.  ...
2024-06-24 10:28
Save on Culture Land and Happy Money Gift Certificates
In today's fast-paced world, the demand for convenient and versatile gift-giving options has never been higher. Whether for birthdays, holidays, or corporate incentives, cultural gift certificates offer a thoughtful and flexible solution. Gift Certificate Panda emerges as a respected platform in this realm, providing a smooth experience that combines accessibility, multiple payment methods, and swift delivery Gift certificate small payment. Embracing Cultural Diversity with Gift Certificate PandaGift Certificate Panda stands out in the realm of cultural gift certificates by catering to a diverse variety of interests and preferences. From art galleries to music festivals, historical tours to culinary experiences, the platform hosts an array of options that celebrate cultural diversity. This inclusivity ensures that recipients can explore and appreciate various facets of culture, enriching their lives through unique experiences. The Convenie......
2024-06-24 10:28
Can Vilitra 20 Mg be taken before a meal?
Vilitra 20 mg contains vardenafil, which is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Whether it can be taken before or after a meal depends on several factors: Optimal Absorption: Vardenafil is typically recommended to be taken on an empty stomach or at least 1-2 hours after a meal for optimal absorption. This allows the medication to be absorbed more quickly and efficiently into the bloodstream. Effectiveness: Taking Vilitra 20 Mg with food, especially a meal high in fat, can delay the onset of action. High-fat meals can interfere with the absorption of vardenafil and may reduce its effectiveness. Consistency: If you choose to take Vilitra 20 mg with food occasionally, it's important to maintain consistency. Taking it with food consistently may delay the onset of action, but it may still be effective depending on individual metabolism and other factors. Consultation with Healthcare Provider: It's essential to follow the spe......
2024-06-24 10:27
Malegra 200mg: Precision and Power in One Pill
Experience the perfect blend of precision and power with Malegra 200mg. This potent medication, containing sildenafil citrate, is expertly formulated to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) by enhancing blood flow to the penis. Malegra 200mg ensures strong and lasting erections, helping men regain their sexual performance and confidence. For your convenience and privacy, you can easily purchase Malegra 200 mg online. This allows you to discreetly access this powerful treatment whenever you need it. Users consistently commend Malegra 200mg for its rapid onset and minimal side effects, making it a trusted choice for enhancing sexual health. Don’t let ED hinder your intimate moments. With Malegra 200mg, you can achieve the precision and power needed for a satisfying and confident sexual experience. Take control of your sexual health today with Malegra 200mg and rediscover the joy of intimate connections. ...
2024-06-24 10:21
Get Custom Car Air Fresheners at Wholesale Prices
PapaChina is the go-to source for Custom Car Air Fresheners Wholesale. They offer excellent quality control, custom scents for large purchases, and a wide assortment. With PapaChina's unique and innovative wholesale options, you can enhance your brand visibility in the automotive accessories market. ...
2024-06-24 10:19
PapaChina Provides Custom Car Sun Shades at Wholesale Prices
PapaChina supplies custom car sun shades wholesale, providing businesses with a practical and effective branding tool. These sun shades offer extensive customization options, ensuring your brand stands out while protecting vehicles from the sun. Choose PapaChina for high-quality, branded sun shades that make a lasting impression. ...