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 2 июня 2023, 18:46
7 Playground Mistakes That Will Cost You $1m Over The Next 10 Years

Avoiding costly mistakes in playground design and maintenance is essential to ensure the long-term success and safety of the playground. Here are seven playground mistakes that, if not addressed, could potentially cost you significant amounts over the next 10 years:

Lack of Regular Inspections and Maintenance:

Failing to conduct regular inspections and maintenance can lead to unnoticed damage, wear, or safety hazards. Neglecting these routine tasks increases the risk of accidents and costly repairs in the future.

Inadequate Safety Surfacing:

Insufficient or improper safety surfacing, such as not having enough impact-absorbing material under play structures, can result in severe injuries. Legal liabilities, medical expenses, and potential lawsuits can lead to significant financial losses.

Ignoring Safety Standards and Regulations:

Non-compliance with safety standards and regulations can lead to legal penalties, closure of the playground, or costly retrofitting to meet the requirements. Stay updated on safety guidelines and ensure adherence to avoid financial consequences.

Lack of Accessibility:

Not providing accessibility features or complying with accessibility guidelines may result in potential legal action and costly retrofits to make the playground inclusive for all children. It's essential to ensure that the playground is accessible to individuals with disabilities.?????

Poor Equipment Selection and Installation:

Choosing low-quality or inappropriate equipment can lead to frequent repairs or replacement costs. Improper installation can compromise the structural integrity of the equipment and pose safety risks, resulting in financial losses.

Insufficient Maintenance Budget:

Underestimating the maintenance budget can lead to deferred repairs, delayed replacements, and the deterioration of the playground over time. Inadequate funds allocated for regular maintenance can result in more significant costs in the long run.

Lack of Proper Risk Management:

Failing to implement proper risk management practices and not considering age-appropriate play features can lead to accidents and injuries. The associated medical costs, legal fees, and reputational damage can have substantial financial implications.

By avoiding these playground mistakes and prioritizing proper maintenance, adherence to safety guidelines, and proactive risk management, you can significantly reduce the potential financial burden and ensure a safe and enjoyable playground environment for years to come.

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