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 3 февраля 2021, 19:46
Umrah as the Sunnah of Holy Prophet

Holy Prophet showed practical way of performing all the worships to Muslims. He recommended Umrah highly due to the advantages gained by performing it. Holy Prophet performed Umrah four times in his life. He completed seven rounds around the Kabah and also kissed the Black Stone. All the Muslims follow his Sunnah while performing the rites of Umrah. Acting upon the Sunnah of Holy Prophet makes him happy.

Plan your Umrah this year

Umrah is the best worship that is the visit to sacred sites of Islam. Many travel companies are rendering their services to Muslim Ummah and are trying to make the 
cheapest Umrah packages for Muslims. Cheap Umrah packages are of a great help for you and you can visit the sacred sites of Islam. Plan your Umrah this year at affordable rates and book with a trustworthy travel company.

Umrah is the forgiveness of past sins

A stage comes in a life when a Muslim repents over his past sins. He looks the ways to get rid of his past sins. Islam is the religion of compassion and it provides a chance to every sinner to choose the right path. Umrah is also the chance provided by Islam for the forgiveness of pasts sins. A Muslim needs to become the guest of Allah for achieving His closeness. Allah erases the sins of those who visit His House and make Him happy.

Umrah is the visit to holy sites of Islam

Umrah is the worship that requires journey to the sacred places. It is performed in the commemoration of acts of Hazrat Ibrahim, Hazrat Hajra and Prophet Muhammad. Umrah has a deep history of Islam in it and also has a relation with the famous Islamic sites. All the rites of Umrah are performed in the sacred sites of Islam. Visiting the sites having historical importance in Islam makes the faith of a Muslim strong.

Famous sites of Islam to visit during Umrah

A Muslim gets a chance to visit all those sites related with the Islamic history during Umrah. Holy Kabah, Masjid-e-Nabvi, Cave of Hira, Cave Suhr, Zamzam well and Safa and Marwa are the sites of great importance in Islam. Visit of these sites is among one of the benefits of Umrah. All these sacred sites strengthen the faith of a Muslim. Umrah brings all the Muslims in the House of Allah that shows Muslim strength.

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