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 8 апреля 2023, 10:06
What is the V-Model in Software Development

The V-model describes the relationship between each phase in the software development cycle and the corresponding testing phase. This methodology is explained by our expert.

The V-model's shape is similar to the letter V. Each phase of the software development cycle is then divided into phases. The validation phase is represented by the left-hand side and the verification phase by the right-hand side.

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A V-model is best used when the requirements and understanding about the software's functionality have been clearly defined from the start. The V-model is a useful tool to deliver high-quality software in cases where the scope of the project is clearly defined and the requirements are well understood by the development team.

When working with large teams, communication and coordination between testers and developers becomes difficult, the V-model can be useful. The V-model helps ensure that all members of a team have a clear understanding of the project's goals by clearly delineating the testing requirements for each stage.

V-Model Verification Phases

Verification refers to the process of evaluating product development processes to make sure that they meet the requirements.

There are several steps in the verification phase: system analysis, business requirements analysis, system analysis and software architecture design. Module design and coding are some of them.

The team will analyze the customer's product requirements during the business requirement analysis phase.

The system analysis step involves the analysis and interpretation of business requirements by system engineers. This is done through the review of the user requirements document.

The software architecture design stage is where the team chooses the software architecture. This is based on the list and brief functionality of each module. It also considers dependencies, table tables, architecture diagrams, technology details, and other technical details. This phase is where the integration testing model is created.

The module design stage is where the development team breaks down the system and details the design of each module. This stage is known as low-level design.

We finally get to coding. Based on product specifications and design, the development team chooses a programming language that is suitable. The guidelines and standards that are used for programming will be followed and the code will be reviewed several times to ensure its effectiveness.

V-Model Validation Phases

Validation involves testing and dynamic analysis to ensure that the product meets customer expectations and fulfills their requirements. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing.

The team creates and executes unit tests plans during the unit testing stage. These plans are used to find errors in code or units. This testing is done on program modules to verify that they work properly when separated from the rest.

Integration testing involves the execution of integration test plans that were created during the architectural design phase. This is to confirm that groups created and tested separately can coexist and communicate with one another.

System testing involves the execution of system test plans that were created during the system design phase. These are prepared by the client's business teams. System testing makes sure that the team meets the expectations of the application developer.

Acceptance testing is related to the business requirements analysis portion of the V-model. It involves testing the software product within the user environment in order to determine compatibility issues. Acceptance testing can also identify non-functional issues such as load or performance problems in the real user environment.

Principles of the V-Model

The V-model stresses the importance of quality assurance and testing throughout the development process. These are the key principles of V-model.


Testing isn't something that should be done at the end. Testing is an integral part of every stage in the development process, from requirements gathering to deployment.


Every stage of development has its own testing phase. So that testing can be supported, testing activities are scheduled in parallel to development activities.


The V-model stresses the importance of preventing defects, rather than fixing them once they are discovered.


Clear and concise requirements are a key part of the V-model. It is difficult to create effective tests and build high-quality software without a clear understanding about what the software does.

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The V-model does not distinguish between testing and development. They are instead closely linked and it is crucial that developers and testers collaborate to ensure software meets quality standards.

The V-Model has many advantages

Increases quality: The V-model improves the quality of software development. This means that there are fewer bugs and better software.

Reduced Risks: The V model provides a clear path for development, which facilitates risk management and mitigation.

Increased Efficiency: The V model encourages collaboration among different teams and stakeholders. This results in more efficient development, testing and production

Improved Communication: The V model emphasizes communication among stakeholders to ensure that everyone understands the requirements and goals.

Enhances Testing: The V model places great emphasis on testing throughout the development process.

Enhances documentation: The V-model demands detailed documentation at all stages of development. This facilitates better record-keeping and code maintenance.

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