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 1 февраля 2022, 19:48
The Roleplay of E-learning in The Field of Education

Online learning has changed the face of the education system for some time. Today, it is an integral part and popular tool in the wider world of higher education. Some may argue that it is better than studying in the classroom. Students learn at their own pace and work with course materials tailored to their needs and learning skills, so online courses can improve the education system at all levels.

The growing popularity of this research method has created an extraordinary boom in the industry. According to a survey, online learning spaces have grown by more than 5% year-on-year. Currently, the market is worth nearly $ 240 billion over the next five years.

1. Student Participation at a Deeper Level

There are ongoing problems with student retention in traditional face-to-face courses. Students may not be in contact with course materials or instructors. You may have noticed that attendance levels are declining, but soon some students are quickly lagging behind their classmates. There are many reasons to drop out, but it's a problem that continues to plague offline courses.

According to a survey, free online courses can improve student engagement by increasing retention by up to 60% in some cases, but video content will be available for all web activities around the world by 2019. It is expected to account for 80%. Not surprisingly, online learning is becoming more popular.

Online education provides more flexibility, so managing it within other responsibilities can be less stressful. In addition, devices, apps, and multimedia tools can be used to make learning more interactive and enjoyable, reducing the pressure to involve students.

2. Improving Digital Skills

Students who can effectively use online tools can get a lot in the workplace. Certain roles require great digital skills such as Most roles within an organization, such as marketers and IT staff, require some degree of digital expertise.

Take customer service as an example. Social media is changing the way people communicate more and more. Customer service teams need to know how to provide outstanding customer service, while  HR and L & D staff need to know how to use the platform to drive employee engagement. 

Online education helps all educators communicate more effectively across a variety of digital media and become competent and confident users of video technology in education. Regular communication with colleagues and students via email and message boards improves computer literacy and enhances the use of technology and devices in the digital age.

3. Flexible Offers

The days when students had to move to a strange city to study their desired course of study are over. No matter where you live, you don't have to go to class early in the morning. Online learning gives educators the opportunity to learn in their own words.

There is no expectation of attendance in a course that is self-paced. Early morning classes may not be possible if the student has or is employed. With online learning, you can study at night, on weekends, or if you want to integrate into your existing life.

This flexible schedule means that instructors can teach from the comfort of home and work outside of traditional class hours, leaving more freedom to focus on other interests during the day.

4. No real classroom required

Teaching online means that students can study anywhere as long as the internet is working. Note that some students may be lethargic or lethargic to study. While online learning can be useful, teachers should encourage students to study in a helpful and undisturbed environment.

In the field of learning/education tailored to student needs and preferences,  most students enjoy the atmosphere more than traditional classrooms, which can increase their motivation to learn. It also makes teaching in the best environment for you more comfortable.

5. Get to know your students better

Some students are naturally embarrassed to find it difficult to participate in classroom discussions. When studying online, these students may find it more comfortable and open to participate in discussions and course activities. As a result, teachers can interact with a wider range of students and receive different opinions on the topic of the course.

Not only will this give you deeper and more interesting lessons, but you will also be able to connect with them by gaining a better understanding of them and developing a sense of how to handle lessons and materials.

6. Improve student and teacher career prospects

An online learning platform like TangoLearn statistics shows that it has a significant positive impact on the employability of those who have successfully acquired online skills.

According to a survey at the University of Illinois, 44% of online students claim that their employment status has improved because they got a full-time job within 12 months of graduation. In addition, 45% of respondents said they received a salary increase.

7. Connect with fellow students

Participants in this study had the opportunity to share successful techniques and practices that helped them develop their online skills through a number of open questions. One student said it helped to make friends (on an online connection). Participating in the learning community is useful not only for face-to-face courses but also for online courses (15.8 percent). A student commented:

My relationships and interactions with fellow students have greatly enriched my experience. We were often thousands of miles apart and were just virtual classmates, but how well we got to know each other surprises me.

I learned as much as a teacher from other students and their experiences. I have never expected such a rewarding learning experience in a traditional classroom. By using online threaded discussions in the course management system,  students can extend classroom discussions beyond the traditional boundaries of physical lesson time.

Online class students can learn more by recognizing writing style and expressing their thoughts and ideas, rather than physical characteristics. Many students have meaningful relationships with their online classmates and may later lead to career networking opportunities.

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