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 14 мая 2022, 09:19
Buy Prejac-Best cure for Erectile Dysfunction

Prejac tablets are ideal for all men who complain about ejaculation or male erectile dysfunction. The pills provide a slow orgasm so that both you and your partner can get more satisfaction from your sex life. Accelerated ejaculation is often congenital or acquired.The dapoxetine contained in Prejac acts directly on the system and makes ejaculation more controlled. The drug works when ejaculation occurs within the primary minute after penetration and when ejaculation occurs within 3-5 minutes. The drug, as we mentioned, contains 60 mg of the active ingredient Dapoxetine.Dapoxetine is a medication that is effective in treating ejaculation. It’s a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that increases serotonin levels within the body: the lower its class, the less control over the ejaculation itself. Increasing the serotonin level means better control over ejaculation itself and prolonging gender.

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