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 16 января 2023, 14:08
Fildena 100 - ED solution for men's health | genericpharmamall

About Fildena 150 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

Fildena extra power 150 pills with PDE-5 inhibitory power help to deliver more blood into penile tissues through penal arteries. This causes hardness in erections. As with any other erectile dysfunction pill, this category of generic Sildenafil tablets is mainly taken by patients with erectile dysfunction and impotence.

Buy Fildena 150mg online

To buy Fildena 150 mg pills online, the first thing you have to do is compare the prices on the portals. Fildena 100 purple pill is to get an idea of which site or portal offers you the maximum savings and discounts. This way of buying Fildena 150mg tablets is recommended for those who are considering a long-term view of erectile dysfunction treatment using the pills.

What are the uses of Fildena 150 mg tablets (sildenafil citrate)

With this generic category of Sildenafil pills, you only have one end use of Fildena 50 tablets. This is to enhance the effects of erections making you erect or hard when needed. Using Fildena pills will give you a temporary cure for erectile failure problems.

How much of Fildena 150 Mg (Sildenafil Citrate) pills to use

When you take Fildena 100 mg Super Active tablets, you are taking an amount equivalent to 150mg of generic Sildenafil, as this is the main active ingredient in the tablets.

Remember that this is a generally higher dosage that is not recommended for all ED patients except those who have a severe ED problem. Even the generic Sildenafil Fildena 150mg pill should be taken only after having strong evidence to avoid critical effects.

How to take Fildena 150mg (Sildenafil Citrate)

Oral pills manufactured under the brand name Fildena should be taken with water. Once you have the pill in your mouth, drink some water and swallow it whole. Fildena 120 All this must be done remembering not to crush the medication before taking it or chew the pills when they are in the mouth.

How Fildena 150mg (Sildenafil Citrate) works.

The working principle of Fildena XXX  is similar to any other pill in the PDE-5 hormone inhibitor category. The pills will begin their effects on your erections when the secretion of the PDE-5 hormones has ceased. This occurs when vasodilation of the penile arteries occurs due to the triggering action of nitric oxide. As the vasodilation effect increases, the sensitivity of the penis increases due to the increase in blood in the penile tissues.


An overdose of Fildena 150mg can easily give you an experience of the worst side effects of generic Sildenafil. While the correct dose helps to achieve erections, overdose of Generic Sildenafil can cause side effects. Then you need to take a pill with a dosage that you can easily store and handle. Fildena Chewable 100  suggestion of the same should only be taken after getting your doctor's opinions.

Drug interactions

While the PDE-5 inhibitor hormone Generic Sildenafil can cause you to have hard erections,  action may be diminished in the presence of certain medication ingredients inside your body. Worse yet, you may start to feel the side effects.

The following are some of the medicinal substances that are best avoided when taking a regular dose of Fildena 150mg.

Some generic antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral ingredients. For the full list, see a doctor.

Any medication Fildena 100 with nitrate compounds or even compounds derived from nitrates

blood thinning pills

Pills that regulate and prevent blood pressure from falling

alpha blocker pills

Other drugs with a generic ingredient other than generic Sildenafil

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