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 18 октября 2024, 09:27
Which Pre-Existing Conditions May Necessitate A Lower Dose Of Avana 100 mg?


When considering the use of Avana 100 mg (which contains avanafil, a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction), certain pre-existing conditions may necessitate a lower dose or careful monitoring. Here’s a breakdown of these conditions:

1. Cardiovascular Conditions

History of Heart Disease: Men with a history of heart disease, including those who have had heart attacks or have unstable angina, may need a lower dose or more cautious use due to the increased risk of cardiovascular events during sexual activity.

High or Low Blood Pressure: Individuals with uncontrolled hypertension or hypotension may require a lower dose, as avanafil can affect blood pressure.

2. Liver Impairment

Liver Disease: Those with liver impairment or disease may have a slower metabolism of avanafil, which could necessitate a lower dose to avoid increased side effects or toxicity.

3. Kidney Impairment

Renal Disease: Individuals with moderate to severe renal impairment may need a lower dose of avanafil. This is because the kidneys are involved in the excretion of the drug, and impaired kidney function can lead to higher drug levels in the body.

4. Gastrointestinal Conditions

Malabsorption Syndromes: Conditions that affect nutrient absorption in the gastrointestinal tract may alter the effectiveness of avanafil, potentially requiring dose adjustments.

5. Eye Conditions

Retinitis Pigmentosa: This rare genetic disorder that affects the retina may require caution, as the safety of avanafil in individuals with this condition has not been fully established.

6. History of Priapism

Sickle Cell Anemia or Other Blood Disorders: Men with conditions that predispose them to priapism (prolonged, painful erections) should be monitored closely or may require a lower dose due to the risk associated with avanafil.

7. Psychiatric Disorders

Severe Anxiety or Depression: Individuals with severe psychiatric disorders might respond unpredictably to medications, which could necessitate a lower dose or careful monitoring.

8. Medication Interactions

Nitrate Use: Men taking nitrates for chest pain should not use avanafil due to the risk of significant hypotension. This is not a direct dosage issue, but it’s crucial to be aware of this interaction.

If you have any of the above pre-existing conditions, it's important to discuss them with your healthcare provider before starting Avana 100 mg. They can help determine the appropriate dose and monitor your health to ensure the safe and effective use of the medication. Always follow your healthcare provider's guidance regarding dosage and use.

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