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 22 июля 2024, 10:00
Is Fildena 150 Mg Suitable For Men With History Of Heart Attack?


Fildena 150 mg, which contains sildenafil citrate, is a higher dose used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). For men with a history of heart attack, there are specific considerations and precautions to be aware of:

Considerations for Men with a History of Heart Attack

Cardiovascular Health:

Risk of Side Effects: Sildenafil can affect cardiovascular function by causing a drop in blood pressure. For men with a history of heart attack or other cardiovascular conditions, this can pose additional risks.

Heart Health: It’s crucial to evaluate overall heart health before using sildenafil. A thorough assessment by a healthcare provider is needed to determine if it’s safe based on individual cardiovascular risk.

Medication Interactions:

Nitrate Medications: Sildenafil can cause a significant drop in blood pressure if taken with nitrate medications (e.g., nitroglycerin), which are often prescribed for heart conditions. This combination is contraindicated and can be dangerous.

Other Medications: Review all other medications with your healthcare provider to avoid potential interactions that could affect heart health or the efficacy of sildenafil.

Consultation with Healthcare Providers:

Cardiologist: Before starting Fildena 150 mg consult with a cardiologist to evaluate whether the medication is suitable given your heart history and current cardiovascular status.

Primary Care Provider: In addition to a cardiologist, your primary care provider should be informed of your intention to use sildenafil. They can help monitor your overall health and manage any potential risks.

Dosage and Monitoring:

Starting Dose: If approved, it may be wise to start with a lower dose of sildenafil to assess tolerance before using higher doses like Fildena 150 mg.

Monitoring: Regular monitoring by your healthcare provider is essential to ensure that sildenafil does not adversely affect your cardiovascular health.

General Recommendations

Health Assessment: Ensure a comprehensive cardiovascular assessment to determine the safety of using Fildena 150 mg.

Emergency Plan: Have a plan in place in case of any adverse reactions or emergencies related to cardiovascular health.


Fildena 150 mg can potentially be used by men with a history of heart attack, but it requires careful evaluation and monitoring by healthcare providers. The risk of interactions with other medications, particularly nitrates, and the potential impact on cardiovascular health must be thoroughly assessed. Always consult with your healthcare provider to determine if Fildena 150 mg is appropriate for your condition and to ensure safe use.

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