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 11 мая 2023, 07:26
Test your intelligence with Connect Four

Connect 4 is a famous vertical game, it is almost similar to Tic Tac Toe or Go Moku.

A player drops a piece into one of 7 squares, each containing 6 "of pieces", until one player succeeds in getting 4 pieces in a row - horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

You can choose to play 2 players or 4 players. connect 4 is a competitive game ideal for the whole family! This classic game will test players' ability to stay one step ahead of their opponents.

Features of Connect 4

A special version of the game of checkers familiar to all children.

Suitable for children from 6 years old and above with a level of 4 tablets of the same color in 1 row.

The gameplay is simple, easy to play, and suitable for the ability of children.

For 2 players, each person will be placed 1 flag in 1 move to the board, when all 4 of the same color form a horizontal - vertical - diagonal row, that person wins.

Develop children's ability to think smart and agile, practice useful skills, quick eyes and creativity

Parents can play with their children fun and useful.

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