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 14 декабря 2023, 11:52
ED Medicine

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14 декабря 2023, 11:55     

Vardenafil Oral Jellyallows men to maintain their erection for a longer time, enhancing their performance and endurance, making sex life significantly more satisfying for them. It is available in liquid form which makes it easy to swallow for aged people who cannot take tablets. The product range offered is praised by clients for their feasible rates. We are the leading Exporter and Supplier of Vardenafil Oral Jelly. It will help you overcome all your impotence problems.

About Vardenafil Oral Jelly:

Vardenafil Oral Jelly is used to get and sustain an erection in Erectile Dysfunction in men. It is safe to use and effectively cures impotence and diseases associated with PDE5 inhibitors. Vardenafil Oral Jelly comes in jelly form so that it can be easily swallowed than tablets and therefore suitable for older people and also people who have difficulty in swallowing. It is available in numerous flavors. This Vardenafil Oral Jelly is not intended to be used by women or children. It will not protect against sexually transmitted diseases including HIV infection.

How does Vardenafil Oral Jelly work (Zhewitra Oral Jelly) ?

Vardenafil Oral Jellyare taken orally 15 - 30 minutes before lovemaking or as directed by your doctor. It is specially designed for men who don't like to swallow pills. All you do is place the Vardenafil Oral Jelly under your tongue and wait until has completely dissolved. However, taking this Vardenafil Oral Jelly with a high-fat meal may reduce the amount of medicine that your body absorbs.

Side-Effects of Vardenafil Oral Jelly (Zhewitra Oral Jelly) :

Vardenafil Oral Jelly can be used safely under a doctor's direction. Some minor side-effects are Headache, flushing, stomach upset, nasal stuffiness, diarrhea and dizziness might occur. Vision changes such as increased sensitivity to light, blurred vision, or impaired blue/green color discrimination may also occur as Vardenafil Oral Jelly side effect.



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