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 26 декабря 2022, 17:57
Most Effective Strategies to Prepare Kids This Ramadan

Ramadan 2023 starts in just one month, and almost all adults already have a plan for how they will spend this holy month. But people who are parents also have a duty to teach their children about the Quran, charity, family values, Eid, and the teachings of our beloved Prophet PBUH. During the holy month of Ramadan, parents can do a lot to prepare their children. Kids are like blank slates on which you can write anything, good or bad. Muslim parents have the most important job of teaching their kids about the importance of this holy month and other Islamic values. Umrah is the best way to strengthen your relation with the Allah Almighty and his Prophet PBUH and it is possible via islamic travel Best Price VIP Umrah Packages 2023. It is cheaper than the last year packages.  Allah's Prophet SAWW said, "Good moral training is the best gift a father can give his children." In this day and age, kids are so smart that you must use some methods or strategies to teach them. Use our training tips and ideas to help your kids remember and think about moral things this Ramadan.


Let them try something new: It's a common idea in education that kids learn best by doing, not by being told. Bruner Jerome's book "The Process of Learning" says that the average kid remembers 75% of what he learns when he is taught through hands-on activities, 5% when he is told something, and 10% when he reads. So, what do you teach your children? When kids do something instead of just hearing about it, it makes the idea real to them. What they do by hand stays in their minds, so they can remember it even years later. Our Holy Prophet SAWW used to take His beloved daughter Fatima to the Kabah with him to pray. He PBUH also takes his grandchildren Hazrat Hassan and Hussain to the mosque, even though they don't know how to pray. So, give your children a chance to get their hands dirty. If you want to teach them about Zakah, let them figure out how much your Zakah is, ask them where this year's Zakah money should go, and let them put it in an envelope. And see how much they love to tell their friends about it. They'll be excited to try something new!

Involve their feelings: We've all seen kids get so into stories, cartoons, crafts, or games that they don't want to leave, even when they're told to. Why do they do that? Because whoever made them knows how to play with kids' feelings. If they're interested and involved, they're more likely to pay attention until the end and get what you're trying to teach them. In the same way that adults remember emotional events and times in their lives, kids remember things through fun activities that keep them interested. You can make learning fun by doing things like writing a poem about Eid with your kids, hosting a Ramadan trivia night, making a Hadith treasure box, giving them Ramadan story books, or reading them moral stories. If you can get them interested, they'll keep coming back for more.


When we ask kids to do something, their first question is usually, "Why do we need to do this?" "What's the point of it?" "What's the point?" But what was worse was when adults said things like "because I said so" or "because you have" or "if you finish it, you'll get some chocolate." This is completely wrong. It's in our nature to wonder about things and ask questions. We adults don't want to do anything until we know why we're doing it, so we can expect a child to do whatever we tell them without knowing why. Instead of just making them do things, tell them why they have to do them and what good things will come from it. If they only want to learn Quran lessons or pray because they will get something in return, they will never develop a true love for God or a desire to do these things on their own.

Let Them Take the Lead: When you give kids a job, they feel more confident and are more responsible than adults. It's how our Prophet (peace be upon him) tells us to teach kids. He SAWW gave important jobs to young men like Ali R.A., Anas R.A., and Usamah ibn Zaid. Sometimes, they even had to lead older and more experienced people. Give kids charge of important tasks and then get out of the way. Put the list of tasks in front of them and let them choose which one to do. If you don't want to do that, give one child the job of waking up their siblings for prayer, give another the job of telling everyone when Iftar is, and let your kids figure out how much money they need to buy gifts for relatives for Eid. Instead of just telling them when holy month starts, ask them to do research and make a project about fasting, how holy and sacred Ramadan is, and what great things people do or worship during Ramadan. When they find it on their own, they are more likely to remember it until next Ramadan.

Combine love and learning: Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) loves children and their grandchildren. They give rides to kids on the street, feed them first, and tell other people to look after them. He SAWW said that al-Aqra Habis told Aby Huraira that he had seen the Holy Prophet kiss Hassan. He said, "I have ten children, but I never kiss any of them." In response, Allah's Messenger said, "No mercy will be shown to someone who doesn't show mercy." Umrah is the sunnah of Holy Prophet PBUH which can be performed by booking the Cheap umrah packages Manchester.

You should love your kids no matter how well they do. Even if they don't do well, you should still love them and tell them they will do better next time. Don't compare one child to its siblings or cousins, because that will make them feel bad about themselves and hurt their self-esteem. In this kind of situation, there's a chance that they'll just give up. Instead, let them compare how well they did last time to how well they did this time. Love is the key to being a good parent. Don't forget that you can shape your child's interests and activities in any way you want. This Ramadan, put in a little work to teach your kids how to be better Muslims in the long run.

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