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 12 июня 2024, 09:01
What Is Fildena 100 Mg And How Does It Work To Treat Erectile Dysfunction?


Fildena 100 mg is a prescription medication containing sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient. It belongs to a class of medications called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors, which are primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED) in men.

Here's how Fildena 100 mg works to treat erectile dysfunction:

Mechanism of Action: Erectile dysfunction occurs when there is insufficient blood flow to the penis, making it difficult to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. Fildena 100 mg works by inhibiting the enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which is responsible for the degradation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in the smooth muscle cells of the penis. By inhibiting PDE5, Fildena 100 mg helps to increase the levels of cGMP, which relaxes the smooth muscles and dilates the blood vessels in the penis. This allows for increased blood flow to the erectile tissue, leading to an erection when sexually stimulated.

Sexual Stimulation Required: It's important to note that Fildena 100 mg does not cause spontaneous erections. Sexual stimulation is still required to initiate the release of nitric oxide in the penis, which activates the enzyme guanylate cyclase and increases levels of cGMP. Fildena 100 mg enhances the natural erectile response to sexual stimulation by prolonging the effects of cGMP, resulting in improved erectile function.

Duration of Action: The effects of Fildena 100 mg typically begin within 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion and can last for up to 4 to 6 hours. This allows for a window of opportunity for sexual activity, during which the individual may experience improved erectile function and enhanced sexual performance.

Effectiveness: Fildena 100 mg has been shown to be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men of various ages and underlying health conditions. Clinical studies have demonstrated its ability to improve erectile function, increase the frequency of successful intercourse, and enhance overall sexual satisfaction.

It's important to use Fildena 100 mg only as prescribed by a healthcare provider and to follow their instructions carefully. Never exceed the recommended dosage or take Fildena 100 mg more frequently than directed. If you have any questions or concerns about Fildena 100 mg or its use, be sure to discuss them with your healthcare provider.

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