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 1 ноября 2023, 05:47
Doubles Player’s Turn

Doubles Player’s Turn: Playing two tiles on opposite ends of tiles is possible by starting with the initial tile. In case the boneyard is not empty, and the player cannot play, member slot there’s a need to draw one tile and play moves to the next player. If the boneyard is empty, the player has one tile left. There’s a possibility to set the tile at the end of the line of tiles. When the boneyard is empty, the player cannot play a tile, and there is a need to pass the turn to the next player. Any player gets the opportunity to call “blocked game” as soon as they notice it. What happens, in this case, is that All play immediately stops, and there’s a need to score the hands. Convention keeps scores from getting larger than during other scenarios.

28 февраля 2025, 17:59     

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