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 5 декабря 2022, 17:55
New marks to help pilgrims performing Tawaf around Kaaba

Hajj and Umrah both consist of a series of rites. The pilgrims have to practice all these rites to accomplish their sacred trek. If the pilgrims skip any of their rites this makes their journey invalid. The pilgrims wish to practice their sacred trek without any loss of rewards. They do everything they can regarding this. But unfortunately, some of the pilgrims unknowingly make mistakes during the accomplishment of their sacred trek. The believers try their best to make their journey without any error. The pilgrims wishes to practice their sacred journey through cheap umrah packages properly without any fault.

Most of the pilgrims make errors and faults in the practice of Tawaf. Tawaf is the major rite in both Hajj and Umrah. Tawaf is the circulation of the holy Kaaba in the counter clock wise direction. The pilgrims have to complete 7 rounds around the Kaaba. Due to the great rush, the pilgrims often forgot the number of their roundabout Kaaba. In this intriguing post, we will guide you about the New marks to help the pilgrims to perform Tawaf fairly. These tips and suggestions will definitely help you in your holy journey.

Tawaf begins and ends on the same point in each round. Every round of Tawaf starts from the black stone and ends on this point as well. The pilgrims have to keep in their lane in practicing Tawaf. The men also have to perform Ramal during Tawaf. This is the Sunnah of our adored Prophet SAW. During Ramal, men have to complete the first three rounds in pace. While the women can complete all their rounds politely. There are several ways to remember your rounds around the Kaaba. Some of them are described below.

•       You can use prayer beads to remember your rounds around the Kaaba. You can slide back the bead after completing each round. This way you can easily remember you round around the Kaaba.

•       The pilgrims can also count their rounds around the holy Kaaba on their fingertips. This is another easy way to remember your round around the holy Kaaba.

•       If somehow you will forget your round around the Kaaba. You should prefer to start from the least number. This way your Tawaf will become valid. You can also start your whole Tawaf again to this end.

•       Another point to memorize your round around the Kaaba is to keep seven dates in your hand. Eat a date at the end of every round. When your Dates will finish your Tawaf will also be finished.

You can also practice Tawaf along with a group. This is another way to remember your tawaf around the Kaaba. If somehow you will forget your tawaf round. You can finish your tawaf along with your group members.

All these points will help you to remember your rounds around the Kaaba. You can accomplish your Tawaf rite without any hardship by considering these points and pieces of advice. After performing Tawaf properly you can go for further rites to accomplish your holy journey after booking Cheap Umrah Packages 2023.

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