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 25 декабря 2021, 07:41
Fildena 100: Buy online|Genericpharmamall

Fildena 100 commonly known as the purple pill, is an oral medication prescribed for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. It relaxes the smooth muscle of the blood vessel walls and improves blood circulation throughout the body, including the p*nis. It contains the ingredient sildenafil citrate that helps men achieve or maintain an erection satisfactory enough for intercourse. This medicine can be taken with or without food. It is recommended to take a single tablet in 24 hours. Do not consume more than one tablet in 24 hours or you may experience serious side effects. For best results, it should be taken on an empty stomach and exactly one hour before any s*xual activity. The effects of this medicine last 4 to 5 hours.

Fildena 150

Fildena 120

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