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 3 апреля 2023, 22:59
Do I have to wear a mask on Qatar Airways?

When you book a Qatar Airways Flights, you agree to abide by all of the airline's restrictions. Airline norms regarding passenger cleanliness remain stringent throughout the duration of a trip, therefore passengers are expected to follow them. Thus, we must work together to ensure that everyone may enjoy a pleasant and healthy travel experience.


Qatar Airways has implemented a comprehensive strategy to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in light of the potential consequences of this pandemic. Thus, demanding that travellers;

• Always use facial coverings.

• The use of individual protective equipment.

• Sanitizing and washing hands frequently.

• Relying heavily on digital channels for travel-related tasks including planning, booking, boarding, etc.

Pre-departure PCR testing is recommended.

By taking these precautions, Qatar Airlines has helped prevent the spread of this virus on its flights, which is very important.

Masks must be worn in public.

Every Qatar Airlines passenger was obliged to wear a face mask throughout the whole journey. There are, however, a few exceptions to this rule:

1. Persons with Disabilities who have a valid Mask Exemption Certificate or medical documentation from a recognised medical facility.

2. Youngsters under the age of six.

Refresh in 2023.

As the spread of Covid-19 has been significantly slowed, many airlines have dropped their passenger screening programmes. As a result of the lawsuit, Qatar Airlines is likewise no longer mandating similar precautions for its passengers.

So, flying with Qatar Airways, you won't need to bring a mask. Yet, there is no prohibition against doing so by the airline.

The airline's safety measures, in their own words.

The ability to check in online.

Qatar Airlines allows customers to check in online, saving them time at the airport check-in counter and during boarding.

This service is available to all fare classes and may be used on both the official website and the mobile application.

Q-tag for your suitcase.

The airline provides a print-at-home option for Q-tags, which can be used to identify your checked bags. In order to save time and prevent your luggage from coming into unnecessary contact with other passengers and airport surfaces.

The highest possible safety rating from the Covid-19: 5 stars.

Skytrax International has awarded Qatar Airways the highest possible 5-star rating for both its in-flight and airport services (Covid-19), making it the safest airline in the world.

? Sanitizers.

Qatar Airlines provides hand sanitizers on all flights, at all airport counters, in all airport lounges, and in all waiting rooms.

Cleaning and sterilising the on-board supplies.

All of the supplies you use while sailing have been cleaned and disinfected using the right chemicals. Say, for Illustration;

o Periodicals of various sorts.

o Headsets.

o Silverware and other tabletop necessities.

Displays for amusement purposes.

HVAC with a HEPA filter.

HEPA, the most cutting-edge and widely adopted air filtering idea today, is installed in all of our planes. Hence, the cabin's recirculated air can be cleaned of up to 99.97% of airborne viruses and germs.

Space separation.

The airline strongly recommends maintaining a safe distance at all times.

UV sterilisation equipment.

Honeywell's UV Cabin cleaning technologies have been demonstrated to be effective in neutralising a wide range of germs and bacteria when applied to aeroplane seats, cabins, and other surfaces.

When you contact Qatar Airways customer service to inquire about ticket prices or Qatar Airways Baggage Allowance, they will also provide you with the most up-to-date information available regarding the face mask need for your region of travel.

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