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 28 ноября 2024, 09:41
Unbelievable Space Facts You Need to Know

The world is an intriguing area that is full of fascinating facts occasionally again we encounter strange facts that seem like they're too odd to be even real. This is a collection strange and amazing facts from all over the globe, spanning nature historical, human history, and science Fun Facts!

1. Bananas Are Technically Berries, but Strawberries Are Not
According to botany, a berry is a fruit derived by the ovary of a single flower, with seeds encased in the flesh. As such, bananas are berries however strawberries, that develop from a flower that has multiple and ovaries do not. Next time you're enjoying your breakfast cereal, you may want to consider the fruity paradox!

2. Wombat Poop Is Cube-Shaped
Yes, you read that right. Wombats, furry marsupials indigenous to Australia make poop in the shape of cubes. Scientists believe that this unusual feature will stop the poop falling away, allowing wombats to utilize it to define their territories. This is among the most odd engineering marvels.

3. Octopuses Have Three Hearts and Blue Blood
If you thought octopuses were alien-like due to their eight arms and super-intelligent this is a great addition: they have three hearts! Two pumps blood to their gills, while the other pumps it throughout the body. Their blood is blue because of hemocyanin, an molecule that is copper-based and attaches oxygen.

4. There’s a Jellyfish That Lives Forever
It is believed that Turritopsis dohrnii commonly referred to as the "immortal jellyfish," has the unique capability of reverting its cells to an earlier stage of their life after reaching maturity. This process, called transdifferentiation, allows the jellyfish to potentially escape death and start its life cycle over. While they're not immune to predators, this change is an incredible feat of nature.

5. A Day on Venus Is Longer Than a Year
Venus is extremely slow in its spin, which takes around the equivalent of 243 Earth days to complete one cycle on its axis. But, it only takes about 225 Earth days for Venus to finish its orbit around the Sun. So, a day on Venus is technically longer than its year.

6. Sloths Can Hold Their Breath Longer Than Dolphins
Surprisingly, sloths, known for their sluggish and relaxed motions, can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes simply by reducing their heartbeat. Dolphins are, however normally remain in their breathing for approximately 10 minutes prior to surfacing for air.

7. Sharks Have Been Around Longer Than Trees
Sharks are the oldest of creatures who have existed for over 400 million years. Similarly, trees have been around since around 350 million. Sharks have survived mass extinctions, being able to adapt to different environments and are some of the most resilient creatures on Earth.

8. The Eiffel Tower Can Grow Taller in Summer
The Eiffel Tower, which is made mostly of iron, expands when exposed to the warmth. It can increase to up to 6 inches taller thanks to thermal expansion. In the event of a drop in temperatures the height returns to its normal height.

9. Honey Never Spoils
Archaeologists have found pots full of honey in ancient Egyptian burial sites that date back more than three hundred years old, yet completely edible. Its lower moisture level as well as its acidic pH make it impervious to bacteria and spoilage making it almost indefinite shelf life.

10. A Cloud Can Weigh Over a Million Pounds
Despite looking thin and fluffy, cloud formations seem light and fluffy, but they're actually very weighty. A typical cumulus cloud contains the equivalent of millions of water droplets together weighing over one million pounds. Luckily, this mass is spread across an extensive area, which means it floates effortlessly in air.

11. Some Turtles Breathe Through Their Butts
Certain species of turtles, such as turtles like the Australian Fitzroy River turtle, have an amazing adaptation known as cloacal breathing. They are able to draw oxygen from the sea through their closure cloaca (an an all-purpose window) as well as allowing them to stay underwater for extended periods.

12. There’s a Town With No Cemeteries
There is a Norwegian town of Longyearbyen has a distinct law: it is illegal to commit suicide there. Due to permafrost conditions, bodies buried in the ground don't decompose and could spread disease. If a person is severely ill, they're transported to another town for medical care.

13. Cows Have Best Friends
The cow is a social animal. They create strong bonds with members of their herd. Research has shown the stress that cows go through when they are not with their closest buddies, revealing the emotional deepness of these gentle creatures.

14. Water Can Boil and Freeze Simultaneously
A certain pressure is referred to as the triple point, water can be a gas, liquid, or solid simultaneously. This happens because the conditions are just right for all three types of phases to coexist.

15. Your Stomach Gets a New Lining Every Few Days
The human stomach creates strong acids to digest food which would also damage the stomach itself if there was no for its protective lining. This lining is replaced every one to three days. It is designed to ensure that your stomach in good health and in good working order.

16. Pineapples Take Two Years to Grow
Despite their delicious and sweet taste, pineapples are slow to grow. It takes approximately an entire two years for the pineapple plant to produce just one fruit, which makes them one of the more demanding crops to cultivate.

17. The Shortest War Lasted 38 Minutes
The Anglo-Zanzibar war, which was fought with both the United Kingdom and the Sultanate of Zanzibar on the 27th of August 1896, is the record for being the shortest conflict in the history of. After a mere 38 minutes, Zanzibar surrendered, making it a blink-and-you'll-miss-it conflict.

18. Birds Don’t Pee
Unlike mammals, birds don't produce liquid urine. Instead, they excrete an acid called uric acids in a paste substance, which is the reason that bird droppings can be white. This is a way to conserve water, and also keep them lightweight for flight.

19. Sea Cucumbers Can Eject Their Internal Organs
In the event of being threatened, sea cucumbers have a bizarre defense mechanism: they expel inside their organs using their anus to ward off predators. They are also able to regenerate their organs within a matter of weeks.

20. A Group of Flamingos Is Called a “Flamboyance”
The flamboyant pink birds meet their name in that their collective term is just as colorful. A group of flamingos is appropriately named "flamboyance," adding flair to their already striking look.

The world is filled with strange and wonderful facts that make us marvel at nature’s creativity and humanity’s peculiar history. Which of these weird facts was your favorite? Let us know what bizarre tidbits you’ve encountered—you might just have the next addition to this list!

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