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 22 августа 2023, 10:26
Does Extra Super P Force protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

Extra Super P Force does not provide protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Extra Super P Force is a combination medication that typically contains sildenafil citrate (for treating erectile dysfunction) and dapoxetine (for treating premature ejaculation). It is used to address these specific sexual health issues in men. STIs are infections that can be transmitted through sexual contact, and the most effective way to prevent them is by practicing safe sexual behaviors, including using barrier methods such as condoms. Condoms are the primary method for reducing the risk of STIs during sexual activity. They create a barrier that can help prevent the exchange of bodily fluids and reduce the risk of transmission. If you're concerned about STIs, it's important to use barrier methods consistently and correctly and to get regular sexual health check-ups. If you have questions about STI prevention or any sexual health concerns, consider discussing them with a healthcare professional or a sexual health clinic.

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