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2022-07-27 10:12

Clomid is a medication used to treat gynecological problems in women. Clomid belongs to a group of medications called SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators) that act on estrogen receptors of the body for the treatment of ovulatory dysfunctions. Apart from SERM, Clomid is also a progonatotropin or gonad stimulant by nature for the treatment of infertility issues.

When should you not use Clomid?

  1. When you are already pregnant

Using Clomid online Australia in conditions of pre-existing pregnancy can result in miscarriage and further complicate the pre-existing conditions. Studies have described reports about neonatal and fetal complications in women taking Clomid in their pregnant conditions. To avoid taking Clomid during early pregnancy, you should perform tests during each treatment cycle to confirm your ovulation status. You should have a pregnancy test as well before the next course of Clomid therapy.

  1. When you are hypersensitive to the ingredients of Clomid

People allergic to Clomid should not use it as it can cause serious skin allergies with swelling of the face and tongue. In rare conditions, it may even result in anaphylaxis reactions or breathing difficulties and prove life-threatening to the patient. Each tablet of Clomid contains the active ingredient Clomiphene Citrate. Inactive ingredients of the tablet are pregelatinized cornstarch, lactose, magnesium stearate, and sucrose. Reading the ingredients on the label/cover of the medication will enable the patient to be aware of whether or not they might be allergic to the medication.

  1. When you are on other medications that may interfere with the therapeutic effects of Clomid

Abrocitinib, Bexarotene, and Ospemifeme are some of the medications that can react when taken concomitantly with Clomid. Using them together can affect the therapeutic effects of either medication and times even lead to adverse reactions. Pancreatitis, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal tenderness with upper abdominal pain are some of the chief complications of negative drug interactions with Clomid. These medications should not be taken at the same time or if being used, the use of Clomid should be withheld for the period.

  1. When you are not seeing any positive results on the use of the medication

Stop taking Clomid if there is no success rate even after three to six treatment cycles. Using them for longer than this period increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Usually, treatment with Clomid is started within day 2- day 5 of your menstrual cycle for best results. Usually, the tablets are taken on days 3,4,5,6, and 7 of the cycle or days 5,6,7,8, and 9 of the cycle. 5-12 days after the last dose of Clomid, there occurs a surge of LH indicating adequate ovulation. The chances of multiple ovules are also greater in this period. This treatment should only be conducted for a certain period after which it should be discontinued for the welfare of the patient.

  1. When you are already ovulating

Taking Clomid when you already ovulate can create the risk of superovulation, a condition characterized by hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, and overall moody behavior. It can also lead to hyper ovulation resulting in weight gain, nausea, and abdominal bloating. Hyperovulation causes more than one egg to mature and be released resulting in twins or triplets formation.

Other conditions when you should not use Clomid

- when you have pre-existing liver conditions

- in conditions of ovarian cancer

- in cases of ovarian cyst

- if you have been diagnosed with hypertriglyceridemia or have a history of it

Now that you know how you should use Clomid to your advantage, make sure to buy the drug from a reputed online store to rest assured of its efficacy and avoid unwanted side effects in the long term.