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 15 февраля 2023, 19:08
A Few Amazing Unknown Facts About the Al-Nabvi Mosque

The Al-Haram Mosque is the holiest mosque in the world, while Al-Nabvi Mosque is the second. Al-Nabvi Mosque, commonly known as the Prophet's Mosque, was founded and initially constructed by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). This mosque is located in Saudi Arabia's capital city of Madina. 

Many Muslims who go for Umrah and Hajj stop by this mosque on their way there. Umrah is a religious pilgrimage that can be made at any time of the year to the Kaaba. The majority of Muslims will undertake Umrah this year using cheap umrah packages from uk, and they will go to several Ziyarah locations as part of the packages. One of the many Ziyarah locations is the Al-Nabvi Mosque. 

It was constructed as the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) moved from Makkah to Madina.

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) did not have a place to live after the migration, and several of the most illustrious tribes offered their homes, but the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) rejected their offer. 

Instead, he (PBUH) advised everyone to let his camel go her own route since "she is directed by Allah." Because his camel had knelt on the spot where Al-Nabvi Mosque is now, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had made the decision to stay there, and Al-Nabvi Mosque was subsequently constructed.

This mosque was in such good shape when it was first built. This mosque was built with walls made of date branches, pillars made of tree trunks, and a roof covering its around 35 x 30 metre total space (straw). Three doors—Bab-al-Rahmah, Bab-al-Jibril, and Bab-al-Nisa—were located on the mosque's structure and opened in the south, west, and east, respectively.

The mosque's dimensions were increased to 50 X 50 metres and 3.5 metres, respectively, after the Gazwah Khaibar. The mosque's proportions have changed numerous times since the time of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), but they currently stand at 90 000 square metres in size, 1300 metres in height, 66,000 metres in length, and 2,000 additional pillars.

The dome was initially built about 650 years after the burial of Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and it was painted a variety of hues, including white and purple, before being painted the lovely green we see today 

Al-Nabvi Mosque was the first building on the Arabian Peninsula to be illuminated when electricity was brought in 1909, but the Sultan of Istanbul had complete access to electricity for his locations only much later. 

The term Ashab al-Suffa was given to those Companions who lived in the shed next to the Al-Nabvi Mosque and dedicated their life to studying the Holy Quran and seeking wisdom from the Messenger of Allah. The Arabic word Suffah indicates shed or porch (Peace Be Upon Him).

Abu Hurairah (RA), Abdullah ibn Masud (RA), Bara ibn Malik (RA), Bilal al-Habshi (RA), Talha ibn Ubaydullah (RA), and Abu Zar al-Gifari are just a few of the companions who related the majority of the hadiths (RA).

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) assigned a separate area with a cool shelter for travellers and those without a place to go during construction, and this deed of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) teaches us the lesson of generosity and sharing.

This mosque served as a hub for Islamic teachings. People used to pray and learn in this mosque during the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and after learning, they moved to other nations to preach.

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said in one Hadith:

Do not prepare yourself to travel to any mosque other than the three mosques (al-Haram, al-Aqsa, and my mosque) for prayer.

Bukhari Number 1115

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) stated in another hadith:

"One prayer in my mosque is better than a thousand prayers in any other mosque except the Haram Mosque," the saying goes.

Bukhari Number 1116

Everyone wishes to have the opportunity to receive the reward of 1000 prayers in addition to the one prayer, thus they should conduct Umrah as soon as they can. With the affordable Umrah packages 2023 all inclusive, they can undertake the Umrah this year from any location in the world.

Islam places a great deal of importance on the Mimbar of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) since this is where he sat during the addresser when he was feeling sleepy.

The most revered area of the mosque is the Chamber of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), which was Hazrat Ayesha's (RA) home and is now the resting place of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Abu Bakr (RA), and Umrah Farooq (RA).

Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) stated in a hadith:

Anyone who comes to see me and just for this reason, it is my duty to intercede for him on the Day of Judgment.


The home of the Prophet Muhammad's daughter Hazrat Fatima (RA) is located on the eastern side of this location (Peace Be Upon Him). 

Riyadh-ul-Jannah, which is 22 metres in length and 15 metres in width and contains Muhammad's chamber in part, is another magnificent feature of this mosque (Peace Be Upon Him).

According to Abu Hurairah (RA), the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

"My pulpit is upon my fountain (Al-Kauthar), and between my dwelling and my pulpit lies a garden from the gardens of Paradise." (Bukhari)

May Allah provide us the opportunity to go to the Al-Nabvi Mosque at least once in our lifetimes.

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