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 13 февраля 2023, 22:41
The History Of The Black Stone.

Did you know? The Black Stone's Story. The Black Stone, or al-Hajar al-Aswad in Arabic, is a pillar that is built into the eastern corner of the Kaaba.

The old building in the middle of Mecca's Grand Mosque, which is in Saudi Arabia. Muslims respect it as an Islamic artefact that goes back to the time of Adam and Eve, according to Muslim tradition.

Before Islam, when people were still pagan, the stone was revered at the Kaaba. According to Islamic custom, the Prophet Muhammad put it in the Kaaba's wall in the year 605 AD, five years before his first public appearance.

Since then, it has broken into a lot of pieces and is now stuck to the side of the Kaaba in a silver frame.

It looks like a broken, dark rock that pilgrims have smoothed out with their walking sticks. It has often been called a meteorite, but this is no longer a sure thing.

During the Hajj, Muslim hajis go around the Kaaba as part of the tawaf ritual. Many of them try to stop and graze the Black Stone, which is more than the kiss that Islamic tradition says Muhammad taught them to do.

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Before Muhammad spread the word about Islam, the Black Stone was held in high regard. It had been linked to the Kaaba for a long time. The Kaaba was built before Islam and was a place of pilgrimage for the Nabateans, who went there once a year to do their journey.

The Kaaba held 360 of the heroes of the gods of Mecca. The Semitic cultures of the Middle East had a tradition of using strange stones to mark places of worship. This is mentioned in both the Hebrew Bible and the Qur'an. However, the Tanakh says that bowing to or kissing such sacred objects is idolatry, and prophets often warned against it.

Some writers have compared the Black Stone to the meteorite that was placed and worshipped in the Greek Temple of Artemis. This is based on the idea that the Black Stone came from a meteorite.

Some writers have said that the Black Stone and its frame look like the outside of a woman's genitalia. They think this is because the Black Stone was once used in fertility rites in Arabia.

The south Arabian city of Ghaiman was thought to be holy because of a "red stone," and the Kaaba of al-Abalat had a "white stone" (near the city of Tabala, south of Mecca).

During that time, people often showed respect for stones, mountains, special pillar creations, or unique trees.

The Kaaba was a place where the holy and the ordinary met, and the Black Stone inside it was a sign of this as an object that connected heaven and earth.


It may have had something to do with the gods al-Rahman and Hubal, to whom the Kaaba was once dedicated. Muhammad is said to have called the stone "al-right Rahman's hand."

This article about the history of Black Stone is very helpful. If you find out more about "The Tradition of Black Stone," So go to Wikipedia and look up Black Stone. When you go Makkah for Umrah. The Black Stone comes next. If you want to get packages for Umrah. So you go to Umrah Package this site. This is the best company because it has the best services.


What happened in Makkah when the Black Stone was set by the Holy Prophet (PBUH)? Muslims believe that Muhammad put the Black Stone where it is now, in the wall of the Kaaba.

The Black Stone had been temporarily moved out of the way to make it easier to rebuild. The clans couldn't agree on who should be in charge of putting the Black Stone back where it belongs.

It was clear that they should wait for the next man to come in and ask him to make the choice. That person was Muhammad, who was 35 years old. This was five years before he became a prophet.

He asked the leaders of the clans to bring him materials so he could build a centre around the Black Stone. Each of the clan leaders held one corner of the material and moved it to the right place.

Then Muhammad set up the pebble at home, which made all of the clans proud. People say that after Muhammad lost the Battle of Mecca in 630, he rode his camel around the Kaaba seven times, moving the Black Stone with his stick as a sign of respect.

Note: If you want to learn more about the history of Black Stone, this is a great article. If you find out more about "The Tradition of Black Stone," So go to Wikipedia and look up Black Stone. When you go Makkah for Umrah. The Black Stone comes next. If you want to get packages for Umrah. So, you go to Baitullah Travel’s Cheap umrah packages 2023 luton. This is the best company because it has the best services.

23 мая 2023, 10:05     

Thank you for sharing the information about the history of the Black Stone. The Black Stone indeed holds fnaf significant religious and historical importance in Islam. It is believed to be a sacred relic that was placed in the eastern corner of the Kaaba in Mecca.

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