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 9 июня 2023, 20:11
What Message Shows Muslims on the Occasion of Hajj?

Islam provides a variety of rituals and practises for worshipping Allah. Salah, Quran recitation, Darood, fasting, good behaviour, honesty, etc., are various ways we might call Allah to mind. The Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, and it is carried out on the tenth day of Zill Hajj, the Islamic Holy Month. Those who have amassed vast amounts of wealth must submit to this form of worship.

With 4 Star Umrah Packages 2024, you may join millions of other Muslims as they visit the House of Allah in Makkah and the Mosque of the Prophet (PBUH) in Madinah to celebrate the occasion of Hajj. Let's have a look at the article titled "What Message Shows Muslims on the Occasion of Hajj" now.

• Women Along with Men

• Internal Concord

• Modesty

• Fairness

Women Along with Men

Sceptics persist in claiming that Islam is discriminatory towards women because it denies them basic rights. However, this is incorrect because Islam recognises the rights of women as mothers, sisters, wives, etc.

Islam allows for some freedoms, but only within certain bounds, because Satan is constantly working to tempt people to transgress, and Allah despises the sin of zina more than anything else. Holy Quran e Pak, where Allah says:

"Whether male or female, "I shall not be unable to find the sight of the labour of any of you who labours in my way," the poet Isaiah said. (Quran 3:195)

Internal Concord

Everyone longs for a life free of the pressures and stresses of the outside world. Muslims achieve serenity through Zikr, or the act of remembering Allah. Hajj is a time of religious devotion and reflection, and it serves as a magnificent model of harmony within oneself. Says the Prophet of Islam (PBUH):

"To make up for the sins committed (between it and the preceding one), Muslims do Umrah. And there is no reward greater than Jannah for the one who performs Hajj and is known to Allah". (Bukhari)

Muslims, then, are typically highly pacifistic people. Please take the time to research up on Islam before offering your thoughts on the subject.

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