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 12 февраля 2021, 16:04

If you want to write a good essay about a book on a free topic, just understand what you want: reviews, reviews, or a review. And make a plan based on this information.

Feedback, review or review?

First, you need to understand how these terms differ: A


  1. review is a personal opinion of a book. You can tell whether you like it or not, it hurts or pushes you.

  2. A review is an overview of the story, a complete description of what was written, your thoughts on the main topics of the book.

  3. Review - a description of the book with highlighted attractions. Such text is usually readable.

If you are writing a book essay for school, then you most likely need to write a book review.


Preparing for a composition


With a simple procedure, you can quickly and easily write the composition you need.


Select the book you want to write an essay on. Better if he is someone you remember well. Some teachers recommend writing an essay about your favorite book.

Create a small outline that includes an introductory, main, and final section.

Remember what this book is. Write down a few key ideas that you find close.

Write a book review the way you would like to write for a friend. Simple, simple words.


Essay Writing


After you have prepared the design and written the plan, you have already done a lot of work, and it depends on the details. Remember that the essay on the book you read is your thoughts, feelings and emotions from the work itself.


In the water section, write about the conspiracy of the book, about the essence, but do not publish the whole intrigue so that classmates can read the book too. You can list a few interesting places, but don't forget to apologize for choosing them.


In the main part, you should write a personal opinion from what you read. If the teacher did not say that the book must be loved, you can write about the book, which in turn left a negative contribution to your soul.


It is better to make the ending short and concise. Write what you want to read, why you want to read, and recommend the selected work for everyone to read.


Examples of essays


Writing a book leaves your imagination free, especially if you are a big fan of the book world. But sometimes reading is much easier than writing. Therefore, we will give several examples from the works.




“I love reading. Reading will help you immerse yourself in a completely different world. You will forget that you are a simple student. You can become a great traveler, fly around the world or find yourself in a school of magic and study complex magic. My choice fell on the book "Harry Potter", because my childhood passed through this world. "

Main part:

“My favorite book is Matilda Roald Dahl. I believe this work is suitable for both children and adults. Matilda is a little girl with strange parents and a very mean director. So one day a good teacher appears in the school who heals all the students. with fear, including Matilda

When I was little, I'm sure it was a fairy tale.But now, after reading this book to remember it, I realized that a book with an adult connotation Matilda is the personification of all children in a world that is faced with the hostility of adults who you shouldn't be a parent or teacher. ”

Final part:


“ I would like to finish my work on the book “Three Comrades” with the advice: read, look for morale in any job, and you can become a good person. ”

These are just examples of how you can write: Choose your favorite book and write whatever you want to say.


Write an essay for me?

Often students say, "I wish someone would write my essay instead of me." The idea is not the best, but realizable. There are enough reliable services for which this is bread. However, it is worth thinking about your own prospects. If you need to save the situation, you can use the service, but if you want to become smarter and better, you should write the essay yourself. Our article is a good example of how to write them and there are many such articles. Learn, develop!


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