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 10 октября 2023, 11:18
Arguably the best video game ever produced.

Contrary to "the baby in yellow" impostor socks will never permit you to be approached by foes in broad daylight. Don't you think traveling the universe and residing in space would be amazing? You might want to rethink your choice because what was once delightful is now a nightmare. If you don't find the phony who is killing each gang member, you might be the next victim! 

Please take precautions. What might be concealed right in front of us? due to the darkness of this spacecraft. The crew members' deaths were the root of all of this. Then we found their rotting remains. The entire time, we were duped. There is a fake among us who resembles us exactly. What was once an exciting excursion has become merely a battle for breath. Do you want to know more about your competitors? If you look for him, you'll never find him. just because you lie! Your secrets are safe with us, and we're here to help. Keep in mind that you must be resourceful. You must kill the person if no one else is there because if you don't, they will report you, and the game will end when you pass away. This means that you cannot begin the adventure, in contrast to baby in yellow where you may. But in this case, you'll have to wait before starting a new game.

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