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 12 июня 2023, 11:21
Top two of the hottest horror games today!

The Baby In Yellow and Garten of Banban are the first two horror games that can be played on your computer or phone. Both games have simple graphics but create feelings of fear and humor for the player.

The Baby In Yellow is a game where you take on the role of a babysitter who has to take care of a very ugly and terrible baby. The baby wears a yellow suit and has red eyes that can shine in the dark. It can also fly, move instantly and attack you at any time. Your task is to feed it, change its diapers, let it sleep and survive its breakthroughs. The game has two modes: Normal and Escape. In Normal mode, you have to complete three nights of babysitting without losing your reason. In Escape mode, you have to find a way to get rid of the baby before it kills you. There are four different ends that you can reach depending on your actions.

Garden of Banban is a game where you enter Banban’s Garden, and you’re sure to make friends with some of them. Discover the mysterious base and not to lose your life and awareness. Brake the horrifying truth behind this place, but be careful, as you are not the only one here... The group of friends of Banban: Banban’s Garden has taken a special place in the hearts of every child. The reason for this is the Group of Friends of Banban, the symbolic animals and the soul of this facility. In Banban’s Garden, no one is alone thanks to them! Banban's Garden, where every child dreams: Banban’s Garden was once the place where any parent wanted their children to attend a prestigious educational institution. This was the case until everyone in this place suddenly disappeared on an ordinary day, and now you have to explore the facility and find out what happened. Discover with your flying friend: Everything is better when you have a friend to share. Use your handy drone to help you navigate and progress through the base, as well as let it do you for you when you feel lonely and scared, which you’ll feel a lot.

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