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2022-02-23 19:10

Umrah is a holy prayer, often called Minor Hajj. It is non-obligatory in Islam. Muslims can do Umrah on any day of the year if they have sufficient resources. Umrah can be completed in a couple of hours if Umrah performer is fit, the gathering is not so huge, and the climate is adequate. After the Umrah is done, it is desire of every Muslim to go Medina and visit Masjid-e-Nabawi and Roza-e-Rasool (P.B.U.H). The whole ritual should take between 3 and 6 hours. Yet, no Umrah package takes for less than seven days. To perform UMRAH you can avail of cheap UMRAH and Hajj packages from the UK. In Umrah's travel, you become the guest. However, Umrah can be done in a few hours, but sometimes it takes longer than the expected duration. It is generally because of different reasons distressing the time. Some of these key reasons are given below.

Lack of Knowledge:

Your knowledge about Islam and Umrah rituals plays a significant role in how much time you need to do your Umrah. Some people who newly adopt Islam need more time to know the rituals and the correct way they are implemented. They have lack knowledge so they take time to perform Umrah. Hajjis must need to know how Umrah works and how they have to retain its lessons even after the completion of Sunnah.

Perform UMRAH Before or After Hajj:

If you’re going to do Umrah before Hajj, be prepared to see the huge gathering. Likewise right after Hajj, there is lots of gathering as Hajjis still exits the country. The best time to do Umrah is after the Hajj when hajjis leave the country. At that time there were only a limited number of people and you can easily do Umrah within a few hours.

Avoid Rush hours perform UMRAH Early Hours:

If you are performing UMRAH during rush hours it takes more time than normal, because of the huge gathering. It is suggested to do Umrah during the initial hours of the day because there are fewer gatherings at that time but it is essential to get up early.

Performing Umrah with family members:

For a fit and healthy individual, the performance of Umrah is a matter of 3 to 4 hours but if you’re doing Umrah with family members it can take a longer time. To perform Umrah with young kids or a family member with a wheelchair will increase the time. Carrying the haji with a wheelchair takes a way longer period due to the rush and the slow step.

Performance of Tawaf:

The major ritual is the act of Tawaf. Haji needs to go around the Holy Kabah seven times. The time is taken for the end of the first Tawaf generally should not take more than 30 to 45 minutes. This depends on your health situation and other situations with you. The nearer to the Kabah the early you complete it. Tawaf is smaller if you’re close but the Tawaf will be longer when you’re further off. Whoever goes to do Umrah not just perform 1 Umrah, instead you can do numerous Umrah in the same journey. This is permitted and there is no limit on how many Umrah you perform if you complete all the rituals.

2022-02-14 19:18

Here is an article on Why is Islam the fastest-growing religion in the United Kingdom offered by our travel agency with the best and cheap umrah and hajj packages from the UK. Muslims made up 4.4 percent of the population of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, according to the 2011 Census. Islam is the second most common religion in the United Kingdom, after Christianity. Even though there has been no official census since 2011, according to recent research provided by Statista, as of 2016:

There were 4.13 million Muslims in the United Kingdom, with 1.01 million residing in and around London.

Muslims made up 6.3 percent of the UK's total population.

According to the same projections, Muslims will make up 17.2% of the UK population by 2050. Growth figures are trending in the same direction throughout the world. Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion and the world's second-largest religion. Let us take an objective look at the factors that have contributed to the expansion of Islam in the United Kingdom. 

1. A high rate of birth

2. Increased Immigration to the United Kingdom

3. Politics of identity

4. Conversions from Christianity

High Muslim birth rates in the UK contribute to the spread of Islam:

Between 2005 and 2010, Muslim women in the United Kingdom had a fertility rate of 3.0. This is greater than the UK's national average of 1.8. Muslims are said to have a greater birth rate than non-Muslims. Immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan, who are mostly Muslims, have the highest birth rate in the UK. The most fundamental cause for the rise of Islam in the United Kingdom is both simple and biological. Every year, a greater number of Muslims are born.

One of the main reasons for the growth of Islam is higher immigration rates:

The United Kingdom is regarded as one of the most tolerant countries in the world. Grace and hospitality have been shown to immigrants from all over the world. When it comes to economic migration, the United Kingdom is the most immigrated country in Europe. Aside from the large oil-producing Gulf nations, many Muslim countries have developing economies with high unemployment, poor education rates, and low living standards. Many people from these countries travel to the UK each year in search of a better economic future.

Islamophobia is to blame for the rise of Islam in the United Kingdom:

It may seem unusual, but some of the Muslim population increases in the UK are not actual increases at all. It's a particularly delicate issue of identity politics. Many of them began identifying as Muslims in public after 9/11 when there was a wave of anti-Muslim sentiment. Islamophobia has affected the UK with many other Western countries. Muslims believe that extremists have stolen Islam. 

Politicians and the media launched a coordinated attack on their identity. When a group of individuals notices that their identity is being attacked or categorized incorrectly. They begin to express themselves collectively to fight back against the assault or classification, rather than fleeing. The same thing happened to Muslims in the UK. They began identifying as Muslims to fight radicals' takeover of Islam.

Due to an increase in conversions from Christianity, Islam is the fastest-growing religion:

This is the rationale given by some people who believe, deliberately, that Islam will be the dominant religion in 2030, leaving Christianity behind. The number of persons who converted to Islam from Christianity has indeed increased thanks to the efforts of Muslim missionaries and the collective expression of Muslims.