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 13 марта 2023, 21:12
Facts about Hijr Ismail or Hateem in Makkah

Hijr Ismail also known as Hateem or stone of Ismail is a part of the Kaaba in Makkah. It is a semicircular wall made of white marble and is located in North West of the Kaaba. The wall is 4 feet and 4 inches in height and 2 feet and 11 inches wide. Although Hijr Ismail or Hateem is not directly connected to the Holy Kaaba, it is believed that a three-meter wide area is indeed part of the Holy Kaaba. It is a place where Hazrat Ibrahim constructed a shelter for Ismail and his mother Hajrah. Most Muslims perform Umrah with Cheap December Umrah Packages.

There are many facts about Hijr Ismail or Hateem. Some of the interesting facts are following that highlight its importance in Islam.

A low divider

Hijr Ismail is a low divider that was a part of Kaaba when Abraham built it initially. It is said that the 3 meters of the area adjacent to the wall of Hijr are considered to be a part of Kaaba. So tawaf must be performed outside t the Hijr.


Later on, Kaaba was reconstructed by Quraysh during which the Kaaba took its cubical shape and Hijr was left outside. It is a semicircular, crescent-shaped low wall.

Praying in Hateem

The wife of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), Hazrat Ayesha R.A. says, “I liked to pray in the holy Kaaba”. The Messenger of Allah caught me by hand and admitted me to Al-Hijr he said: Pray in Hijr Ismail or Hateem when you intend to enter the holy Kaaba, for it is a part of Kaaba. It means that praying in Hateem is equivalent to praying inside the holy Kaaba which holds great rewards.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood on Hijr Ismail

According to Islamic history, it was Hijr Ismail where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stood and he told the event of Miraj to the people of Quraysh. Prophet Muhamad (PBUH) said, “When the people of Quraysh did not believe me, I stood upon the Hijr Ismail or Hateem and Allah displayed Jerusalem in front of me and I was looking at it, and telling them about this.

The dream of Hazrat Abdul Mutalib

Hazrat Abdul Mutalib the grandfather of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) used to love sitting in the area of Hateem one night while he was sleeping he dreamt about the Zamzam well, hidden underground since the Jurhum tribe.


Meezan-e-Rahmah is a channel of water that starts from the roof of the Holy Kaaba and ends at the Hateem area. It is also called water drainage of mercy.

When he began his mission, the holy Prophet (PBUH) often sat in Hateem. He liked to worship Allah there and also liked to recite the holy Quran there. Almost every Muslim desires to seek blessings of the Holy Makkah and Madinah during umrah and want to offer to pray in Hijr Ismail. Therefore, cheap Umrah Packages all-inclusive bring happy tidings to fulfill their religious journey.

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