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 1 декабря 2021, 21:53
What exactly is Sahoor? During Ramadan, it's Important to Understand the Importance of Sahoor

With Ramadan approaching, Muslims throughout the world are preparing to take full advantage of Allah SWT's gifts and kindness bestowed upon the holy month. Ramadan is a month in which Muslims may be granted forgiveness and respite for all their previous sins, allowing them to return to a state of purity and begin their journey afresh. This heavenly forgiveness, however, is not available to all Muslims. To get Ramadan's benefits, people must first demonstrate their worth by completing one of Islam's five pillars, the Ramadan fast. Muslims believe that through fasting for a month, they would be able to attain the peak of their surrender to God, as their minds and bodies will be purified of impurities. Here are some Ramadan fasting suggestions for a full Sahoor, including what to eat and how to stay energized and avoid sluggishness throughout the month. That is offered by our travel organization with the Umrah Packages 2022.

What exactly is Sahoor?

Muslims take Sahoor, also written Suhoor or Sahoor, as a pre-dawn meal before beginning the day's fast. Sahoor is undoubtedly the most crucial aspect of a good day's fast since a well-balanced meal will provide you the energy you need to stay fit throughout the day.

What should you eat for a satisfying Sahoor?

Naturally, nutrition and hydration intakes are the most important considerations for a healthy and well-balanced Sahoor. The following is a list of nutrients that should be included in your pre-dawn meal.

Complex carbohydrates:

Complex carbohydrates should always be present in a healthy Sahoor diet. Complex or refined carbohydrates take a long time to digest, which means they will offer energy to the body for a longer amount of time. You won't feel as hungry, and this sort of carbohydrate will keep you active throughout the day. Brown rice, whole wheat bread, potatoes, maize, and oats are all high in complex carbohydrates. Simultaneously, simple carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, and granulated sugar should be avoided. Because these simple carbohydrates are quickly absorbed, they raise blood sugar levels and make you hungry. Diabetics should avoid foods like these like the plague.

Fruits and vegetables:

In addition to complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits should be consumed throughout Sahoor. Consumption of fruits and vegetables, which are high in fiber, will help you maintain fullness and avoid constipation. Furthermore, vegetables and fruits are high in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. We advocate eating whole fruits and vegetables rather than processed or juiced versions because they have a lower nutritional value.


Avoid skipping out on high-protein foods like skinless chicken, fish, and low-fat dairy items. Protein might help you feel satisfied for extended periods. Protein is also necessary for the repair and rebuilding of biological tissues, as well as the enhancement of the immune system. Calcium-rich dairy products can also assist to build bones.

Minerals and water:

Make sure to drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated and prevent becoming dehydrated. Sugary water, such as bottled juices and soft drinks, should be avoided because they are not only harmful but also won't help you stay hydrated for long.

Sahoor should not be skipped:

Sahoor is a requirement for individuals who wish to finish the day fast. As a result, anybody should skip Sahoor since it might be harmful to their health. By skipping Sahoor, you are denying your body's nutritional and fluid demands; you will most likely feel dehydration, sluggishness, and loss of focus, which may cause you to break your fast.

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