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31.10.2022 18.28.07
What are some of the reasons why the Hajj is becoming more expensive?

Here is the post on What are some of the reasons why the Hajj is becoming more expensive offered by our travel agency with the cheap and best Hajj and Umrah Packages 2023 from the UK. For Muslims, Hajj is the most important and spectacular occasion. This beautiful excursion isn’t only extremely rare, but it is also the finest any Muslim may take in his whole life. Hajj is one of Islam's five key elements and the most important of its essential ceremonies. In addition, the benefits are numerous. 

If a successful and acceptable Hajj is performed, Almighty Allah has guaranteed everyone complete remission from sins. This beautiful trip, however, is not for everyone. It's because, first and foremost, it's not required of everyone, and many people can't afford it. However, according to certain recent trends, Hajj is becoming increasingly costly. 

There is possibly to be a rise within the wide variety of applicants:

The major reason for the rising cost of the journey to Kaaba is the growing number of pilgrims applying for Hajj each season. The major reason for this is that the Muslim population is growing, and millions of Muslims from all over the globe are attempting to visit the abode of their creator and pay respect. Although not all of them succeed, billions do. 

Another important point is that persons who were unable to do Hajj earlier or during the previous season are eligible to apply again the following year. As a result, the combination of new candidates and old applicants creates significant pressure.

Some Businesses Are Making It Appear Expensive: 

Not only is the number of Muslims seeking to give pilgrimage rising, but so are the rates. However, there are certain black sheep firms or travel brokers that, in their greed for profit, raise prices more than usual. It's because they can take advantage of people's desperation to perform Hajj before they die. These firms provide high-priced private Hajj packages, although the services given are no different than those supplied to normal pilgrims. As a consequence, people perceive it as a costly excursion, which is detrimental to everyone.

Currency depreciation on a global scale:

Many times, the high expense of Hajj is due to Muslim nations' lack of economic policy. Hajj is becoming more expensive for Middle Eastern and South Asian countries due to its small economic benefits. The weakening of the Pakistani rupee, for example, might result in an increase in Hajj packages in the nation. As a result, improved economic conditions in the nation play a significant role in Hajj being more expensive from the perspective of pilgrims.

Saudi Arabia's Illegal Activities:

Prices and packages for Hajj are sometimes raised as a result of the Saudi government's faulty practices. For example, suppose the Saudi government reduces the overall number of visas available to the United Kingdom. Individual pilgrim costs would obviously increase over the head. Similarly, the Saudi government influences the pricing of various countries in a variety of ways. 

The hajj is an expensive undertaking in and of itself. So, if the nation is compelled to grant fewer visas and make special accommodations for a small number of pilgrims, it’ll undoubtedly have ramifications.


The considerations outlined above might have an influence on Hajj packages for individual nations. However, Hajj is now pricey, at least until you travel to Hajj with us. Furthermore, no matter how costly Hajj becomes it will always be helpful in its pure spiritual form. When it comes to paying gratitude to one's creator, money should never be considered.

01.09.2022 20.31.14
Tips for UMRAH for the First-Timers

Going for UMRAH is a blessed opportunity that Allah SWT showers on only a few selected Muslims so that the importance of this journey develops by available opportunity. UMRAH can be performed at any stage of life, there is no specific condition, and also there is no restriction on how many times you perform UMRAH. When a Muslim travel first time for this sacred journey, he has to pass many new observations, although now a day UMRAH travel has become very easy, still a prior understanding is required. Here we will discuss those elements that can be very beneficial for UMRAH travel, especially for those who are on their first UMRAH journey. Many travel organizations are providing special September UMRAH Packages in the less crowded season for the ease of pilgrims. 

Prepare yourself For Physical Activity:

UMRAH is completely physical activity, as from Tawaf to Sai, each step needs full energy and physical activity. So those who are traveling for the first time must prepare themselves for physical activity like a 5 to 7 km walk is a must in this obligation. Those who make their walking habit early get rid of any physical fatigue. 

Vaccination to Avoid any Infection Spread:

A prior vaccination will help you to avoid any infection spread and will save you from many diseases. Without vaccination, you cannot get a visa. A proposed planned vaccination by Saudi Government is a must to get. This process is not only for us but also save other from any disease spread.

Arrange Dress According to Weather in Saudi Arabia:

Before packing, make sure what you are packing is suitable according to the weather in Saudi Arabia. Normally, in Saudi Arabia, the weather remains a bit hot so arrange your clothes accordingly. It will be preferable to keep more than one pair in your suitcase in case one dress gets sweaty or dirty.

Learn the UMRAH Obligation Rituals:

It is significant to learn the rituals of UMRAH and perform them well with full focus. One who did not get the knowledge about the ritual, cannot focus on its true cause. Learning will ease his UMRAH obligation, and he can perform it timely and reputedly.

Learn to be Patient:

For UMRAH obligation, people from different countries book cheap Umrah packages 2023 or customize their own packages to offer UMRAH. Haram remains always crowded, especially near Kaaba. So you have to learn to be patient and wait for your turn and don’t get panic. Perform your UMRAH well-mannered and never hurt others by your actions. Try to avoid crowded places maximum. Respect other cultures and show them good behaviors. That is what Allah SWT like the most.

Avoid Unnecessary Shopping and market Visits:

People used to visit Bazar and markets after performing UMRAH and get tired and ill. This thing is to be in mind all the time, the purpose of coming here to Makah and Medina. We should spend maximum time in Haram and prayers, reading Quran and other rituals. This will not only help to keep our focus but also make this pious journey more spiritual.