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20.08.2021 09.40.47
Can You Cure Your Acne With Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has a variety of uses and has become really popular in the health sector. It is believed to be full of health benefits, like lowering blood sugar levels, weight loss, reducing the risk of cancer etc.

It is even believed that it may have some benefits for acne. Let's get a deeper understanding of this subject.

What is Apple cider vinegar?

If we put it simply Buy apple cider vinegar is the unfiltered juice from pressed apples. Apple cider vinegar is prepared by fermenting apple cider.

Apple cider is the name used for an unfiltered, non-alcoholic, and unsweetened beverage made from apples.

The process of preparing apple cider vinegar comprises two simple steps:

Apple is cut and crushed, then combined with yeast which converts the sugar into alcohol. Second, bacteria are added to convert the alcohol into acetic acid. With this step, the fermentation process completes.

 Kill Bacteria

Apple cider vinegar is already used as a preservative because of its ability to kill bacteria. But what makes it even more important here is that apple cider vinegar may kill acne-causing bacteria.

It can clean up some bacteria by 90% and certain viruses by 95%. The bacteria that is responsible for acne formation is known as Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes.

Studies have been conducted on the organic acid apple cider vinegar contains. It contains acids like acetic, citric, lactic and succinct acid, which have been shown to kill P. acnes. Yet, applying apple cider vinegar to your skin can control the acne-causing bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar has several other benefits:

Lowers blood sugar and insulin: Consume it with a high-carb meal, to note significantly lower blood sugar and insulin levels.

Improves insulin sensitivity: One study in people with insulin resistance or If a person with type 2 diabetes will have Apple cider vinegar during pregnancy a high-carb meal it can improve insulin sensitivity by 34%.

Improves PCOS symptoms: In a study of women who took vinegar for 90–110 days, and were infected by polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) showed changes like 57% resumed ovulation, probably because of improved insulin sensitivity.

Decreases cholesterol levels: Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, because of the antioxidants present in it.

Lowers blood pressure: Vinegar may decrease blood pressure by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for constricting blood vessels.

It may even be useful after acne heals

Acne even heals naturally but can turn into skin discoloration and scarring. If applied directly to the skin, the organic acids in apple cider vinegar have shown to help with this.

Chemical peeling is the term that is used to define the process of applying organic acids directly to your skin. The acids remove the outer layer of the skin, with the damaged one. Hence, promotes regeneration of the skin.

Succinct acid has shown promising results in the chemical peeling process. It suppresses inflammation caused by P. acnes and may help prevent scarring.

Should You Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Acne?

Organic acids of apple cider vinegar may be helpful in killing bacteria that cause acne. It can even help reduce acne scars.

However, some cases may require a different and rigorous treatment plan for acne treatment. As studies are inconclusive.

Furthermore, those with sensitive skin can feel skin damage and burns directly applying Best apple cider vinegar in India to the skin.

Be cautious while applying it directly, it may even hurt open wounds.

 How to Treat Acne with Apple Cider Vinegar

As apple cider is highly acidic. Dilute it first. Then apply it to the skin. Simple steps to follow:

Mix three times water to the quantity of apple vinegar you take for applying.

Cleanse your face with mild face wash and pat dry with a soft towel.

Using a cotton ball to gently apply the mixture to the affected skin.

Let the mixture stay on the face for 5–20 seconds, rinse with water and pat dry.

Repeat this process 1–2 times per day.

Use apple cider vinegar with mother i.e. the organic cider vinegar. It is the substance that sinks down to the bottom of the bottle.

Apple cider with the mother is responsible for many of the health benefits as it contains proteins, enzymes and beneficial bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar with “the mother” may provide more benefits than the filtered and refined varieties.

Immunity Booster:

During COVID times everyone was looking to boost their immunity, and for many Apple Cider Vinegar came to the rescue. And if consumed with Mother then it proves to be much more beneficial. Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother makes the immunity system stronger and helps to prevent diseases.

Improves Digestion:

It proves to be helpful in treating heartburn and indigestion due to the presence of good bacteria. This bacterium in Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother promotes gut health.

Improves skin, hair, and nail health:

It proves to be very helpful for managing frizzy and untamed hair. Replace your regular shampoo with Apple cider vinegar 500ml and see the results! It is antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial, thus promoting healthy hair, nails, and skin. Apply it as a toner and get soft skin.

If you are going to have apple cider vinegar then have it with Mother, to have the maximum benefits of it. Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother is more beneficial than the normal one. 

Yet, organic acids in apple cider vinegar may help kill the bacteria that are responsible for acne formation. You may even see benefits like decreased scarring and removed skin discoloration.

Read More: Apple Cider Gummies